Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 37 F (it was 61 F for a high today.  A little overcast, and a few droplets of rain.)

What I cooked today:
Walnut Chicken (without the walnuts): I promised the kids chicken, since we've had beef for the last few nights.  I got it started, until I realized that I have no walnuts.  Oh well.  I had mushrooms and snow peas, so that (almost) made up for not having chicken.  And I did make fried rice to go with, which is always a crowd pleaser.  If only Connor hadn't eaten so much at the birthday party he was at this afternoon... He couldn't eat a bite!

Okay, I'm almost done with this crazy week.  Every day this week, I have stuff to do.  I love it, but by the end of the day, I'm pooped.

Today, I went to the school to talk with them about their web site.  They needed a new one, and I (somehow) volunteered for the job.  I think it will be a great fun project and I'm excited.  I think the staff at the school will be great to work with, and they all seem willing to help me make it work great.  I only hope that I can deliver on what I've promised.  I'd hate to have them get mad at me for making a crappy web site.

After that meeting, I brought Katie home (Connor went to a birthday party for a girl in his class).  Then we got a call from Allen.  He was back from track practice and, as he said, 'I might have a concussion'.  I've decided these are words a parent never wants to hear. 

He was trying the high jump (or the pole vault, I'm not sure which), and he missed the mat and landed on the ground.  I guess the story differs, but he may have bounced off the mat or may have just missed it entirely.  I think he hit his butt first, then his head.  He said he never lost consciousness, but was a little dizzy for a few minutes afterwards.  Of course, his coach (after determining that he seemed okay), told him he couldn't go to sleep.  He took that to mean, like, forever.  I laughed.  I said about 4-6 hours, so he could go to sleep at 9pm tonight, just like normal.  No, he couldn't stay up all night playing video games.  (By the way, there was no lump on his head, so I figure he's okay... I hope).

After I brought him home, I raced back to the school for the school board meeting.  It was great and I think some great things were discussed.  I had to leave early, so I could get Connor from his birthday party, so I missed the end.  I hope I didn't miss too much!

Connor had a great time, and was hiding when I came to pick him up.  He didn't want to leave! 

Then it was back home to make dinner and get everyone ready for bed. 

If only tomorrow was a nice relaxing day... maybe Saturday? 

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