Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 23, 2012

Outside Temp: 65 F (it was in the 80's today!  It finally cooled off around 6-7pm, and now there's a great breeze!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers with Tater Tots and Green Beans: I love tater tots.  They remind me of my childhood, although for the life of me, I can't actually remember eating them as a kid.  Maybe in elementary school.  Of course, my oven caused me a little bit of annoyance.  I put the tots on a cookie sheet, on tin foil, and baked for about 20-25 minutes at 400.  They were not cooked, and they actually stuck to the foil!  I pulled them off the foil (as well as I could) and baked them for another 15-20 minutes.  So, even though the directions said 20-25 minutes, it really took about 40.  Which was fine, since I blew out the fuse in my kitchen, and the griddle that was cooking the burgers, turned off.  I think it only took me about 5 minutes to figure out that the burgers were not sizzling anymore.  Oh well, I just have to remember that I can't run the dishwasher and the griddle at the same time.  And dinner turned out fine.

Okay, I admit.  I was a little annoyed at the 80+ degree weather here.  I mean, come on!  We moved to Montana to get away from the heat.  I know, I know, I should be grateful since I think it was about 100 in Temecula (where we were from in CA).  But still! 

Of course, it did cool off, and we were able to go outside and play in the beautiful breeze.  The kids hung out at the creek with Ryan for about an hour.  Ryan wanted really badly to go 'fishing' in the creek.  Of course, his idea of fishing is a paper clip attached to a string on the end of a stick.  He wanted me to find 'worms' to add to his clip, but we settled for bologna.  I let him throw it in a few times, but nothing nibbled.  I'm not surprised.  I asked Patrick to look into getting a real fishing pole sometime soon.  I've heard there are actual fish in our creek (which is out the back door of the house), so I might have to learn how to cook them!

The house stayed in the 70's most of the day, without air conditioning!  We opened up the windows around 6pm and it's just beautiful tonight.  I think it's supposed to be a little cooler tomorrow, which I would love.

And, with the weather system like it is, with warm humid weather, we should be seeing some thunderstorms.  There was thunderstorms all around us today, but we didn't get much here.  I'm sure we'll see plenty before the summer is out, so I'm being patient.

I've been working on my new project for the school, which is a lot of fun.  And, another teacher asked me to sub this week, so I'll be working Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday.  Wow!  I'm really excited, since I get to teach High School History!  Woo Hoo! 

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