Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 28, 2012

Outside Temp: 38 F (The storm tapered off sometime this morning, and we haven't gotten any rain or snow for most of the day, with the exception of a little hail and light rain before 10am... Not really sure what to expect with tomorrow)

What I cooked today:
Chicken Noodle Soup: I figured it was kind of chilly, and hot chicken soup is always a good choice.  I made up a few loafs of Grandma's artisan bread and threw together the things for soup.  We didn't have any more stars or little noodles, so I used egg noodles, which worked just fine.  The soup turned out great and really hit the spot!

Yes, the chicks are still alive.  Amazingly!  I admit that when we left last night, I wasn't so sure they'd survive the night.  The 6 birds who have been outside were given a dog house, with pine shavings, that was big enough for their water and food.  Then, we used boards and old shingles to put a 'lean-to' across the front, so they could leave if they had to, but they would be protected from the elements. 

Apparently, they did just fine!  We came back down this morning, and they were walking around in their dog house, eating and pooping, just like normal.  I guess the 25 degrees last night didn't hurt them too much!

We also left the heat lamps off the other 22 birds, who are still inside.  Their room got into the low 50's last night, but they also survived.  We read that the birds need to be exposed to the cold to make them grow their feathers.  So, I guess we've been baby-ing them for the last week or two.  The inside birds look like they've grown up overnight, and, once this storm is passed, I think we'll start moving them outside. 

We stayed up at the Grandparents' house last night, since our place had no running water.  And, with our family, no running water means no toilet, which is just not acceptable.  The kids liked it up there, since the Internet is faster and the kids could play on-line games AND watch Netflix on the TV... at the same time!  Amazing.  I think that our line from the road to our house is old, and it limits the bandwidth for our network. 

So, this morning, Patrick and I came back home, and he went under the house to check out the water pump.  He flipped the breaker, and it sounded like it went back on, then off.  So, he flipped it again.  Same thing happened.  The third time, he slowly flipped it off, then back on again.  As he flipped it up, he heard the pump engage.  Then, as he reached the top, it flipped off.  Lovely.  Apparently, it only works when the breaker is in the 3/4 position.  Ugh, one more issue with the house.  Oh well.  Now, at least we know!

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