Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11, 2012

Outside Temp: 54 F (it was so pretty today, and warm!  I left the windows open all day!)

What I cooked today:
nothing, again.  I totally have to get back into cooking (if for no other reason than to have something to put in this section of my blog!).  I didn't have anything prepared, so when the kids asked to go out for burgers after Confirmation class, I willingly said yes.  Does that make me a bad mom?  (okay, it was really because I didn't want to do the dishes in my sink... now I KNOW I'm a bad mom!)

So, sometime around 4am, Patrick came in and woke me up, telling me I was snoring, which I was.  But, he only did it because he was concerned about me.  He said I should get up and get that nose spray to clear out my sinuses.  I think I replied something inappropriate, then said I was too tired and went back to sleep.  So, he woke me up again and got me an antihistamine and the nose spray.  Of course, once woken up, it took me forever to get back to sleep.  I'm so glad he was worried about my welfare.  (yes, that was sarcasm.). 

We had Confirmation class tonight, and our last Wednesday Easter mass, so I went to pick up Allen from track practice early.  As I was driving out to Stanford to get him, I got a call from him. But I think I need to explain better how to use the cell phone, since he hung up on me.  Then, he wouldn't answer when I tried calling and calling.  Probably, because he was on the bus, heading back to Geyser and it was probably pretty loud on the bus.  Needless to say, I drove past the bus on my way to Stanford, wondering if he was on it.  He was.

I finally got a hold of him about a mile after the bus passed.  Yep, he was on the bus.  They got out of practice early, so he thought it would be easier for me if he just took the bus back to the school.  So, I flipped a U turn (okay, I pulled into a driveway, and then turned around, rather than turning around on the highway!), and followed the bus back 10 miles to the school.  For a few minutes, I debated being mad.  But then I realized that he didn't do it on purpose, and in a way, he was trying to be nice.  And, getting upset wouldn't make any difference.  So, by the time I got to the school to get him, I was back into my 'happy' mood. 

Church was great, as always, but I worry about our Confirmation class.  I sometimes wonder if the kids are too young to really get anything out of it.  Or maybe, we are just meeting too late in the day, and they are all tired.  I could tell that tonight, they just wanted the class to be over.  Oh well, perhaps sometime in their future, something we taught them might make a difference.

After class (as I mentioned above), the kids talked me into burgers in Belt.  There is a bar that is open late that serves food.  So, we headed over there and sat down, watching American Idol.  We don't have television at our place, so the kids don't know anything about Idol.  I have probably watched about 5 episodes in all the years it has been on.  It was just never my thing.  But, another couple there was watching, so we settled in to watch.  I must say, I wasn't impressed.  I'm not sure why, but they all seemed to be trying too hard, or not hard enough or something.  But, I just couldn't see the point.  I would say it's a Montana thing, but I never saw the point in CA either!

Tomorrow, I'm substitute teaching at Geyser.  I'm a little nervous, since when I taught my own kids, I could require respect and obedience.  I just pray that I don't let the kids walk all over me!  Any advice?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your teaching tomorrow! Hope it all goes smoothly for you.
