Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

Outside Temp: 56 F (it was warm and beautiful today.  Threats of a little rain)

What I cooked today:
Nothing: It was one of those days, where I didn't get around to actually making anything for anyone.  I had leftover pancakes for breakfast, which means everyone else had cereal.  And then Allen made pasta for everyone for dinner, so I was off the hook!  Woo hoo!

Patrick and I headed into town today to get some errands run... returning library books, get Ryan's TPN, Wholesale meats for more ground beef, shopping, home depot, etc.  We would have gone to the dump, but it was closed today... we'll have to wait until Saturday to get rid of my garbage.

While in town, we decided to have a 'date' and see a movie.  We watched Men in Black 3.  The problem with this movie is that it kind of forgot that the first two movies occurred.  And, I think that all the interactions between K and J were already done in the first two.  This one was kind of cool, since it did that whole 'time travel' thing... you know, the kind that the movies can NEVER get right?  It wasn't bad.  It just wasn't great.  I think I would have preferred to see Avengers, again.  Oh well, it was the bargain matinee, and we didn't even get popcorn, so it was only $11 for the two of us.  And we got a date, which is always an awesome thing.

By the time we got home, we were confronted with a huge problem.  No, all the kids were fine.  But the Internet was out!  Oh my!!  How do we survive without the Internet?  I mean, no Facebook?  No Internet games?  No news?  I thought we would all die, but somehow, we managed to live through it.  Allen had a game that didn't need the Internet.  Katie had a movie.  Ryan and Connor had some games.  I had a book.  Oh wow, we survived for the 3-4 hours without the Internet.  Amazing.

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