Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 53 F (My outside thermometer today had a high of 92.. but it's in the sun, so that might be a little high.  All I know is that I miss the snow. )

What I cooked today:
Chicken with Fried Rice: I was hearing some complaints that I need to cook more than just burgers and pasta and soup (although my soup can be quite unique at times).  'They' were right... I've been pretty lazy lately, not making a list, not preparing, and just choosing the easy way out.  So, since school is almost out, and I should have some more free time, I'm getting back into cooking.  Tonight, it was chicken with broccoli (Patrick doesn't let me mix them together, so I steam the broccoli and cook the chicken with some sherry and soy sauce).  I even made up some fried rice to go with the regular white rice.  I've come to realize that 2 cups of rice is never enough for my family any more.  I think I'll go with 3 cups next time.  And the 3 chicken breasts wasn't enough either.  But perhaps it was more about the good food. 

So, yesterday I worked on the web site, and had a rough time.  By the time I sat down to do my blog, I had a massive headache and I just wanted to crawl under my covers and pass out.  Which is pretty much what I did.  But before passing out, I asked my totally awesome husband to solve my programming problem for me.  I'm not even sure if I explained anything to him, I just said, "Honey... please fix it.".  And then I fell asleep.

This morning, at 6:58am (2 minutes before my alarm goes off), he woke me up and said, "Okay, honey.  It works.". 

He stayed up all night, and I must say, it works perfectly.  I am always amazed at him.  He is so stinking good at what he does. 

So, I was able to get up and get the kids ready for school, while he fell asleep. 

Of course, he woke up by 11:45, since his new game (Guild Wars 2, if you were interested) had a Beta Event this afternoon from noon to 7pm.  Oh my goodness, you'd never have guessed that he only had 4 hours of sleep. 

I was able to show the web site today, and so far, the reviews have been good.  Hopefully, it will be 'live' in a few more days.  I'm a little nervous about actually showing it to people, since all I can see is how it doesn't look exactly as I pictured it in my mind.  But, since they don't have anything right now, I guess something is better than nothing, right?  And I still have plenty of time to fix it up and make it better.

Also, Allen made a birdhouse and donated it to the auction last week.  Of course, Grandma had to bid on it (because she's just that awesome).   I think it turned out great, so I've asked Allen to make me one next year...

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