Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3, 2012

Outside Temp: 46 F (little sprinkles of rain, here and there.  Enough to make you use the windshield wipers, but not so much that it was a problem walking in it.)

What I cooked today:
Soup: Patrick said that when it rains, he likes soup.  But not the 'taco soup', that I've made the last few times.  He was silly enough to say "Why don't you make a French style soup"... I told him to shove it.  I made a vegetable beef soup, with some Greek seasoning (just out of spite).  It actually turned out pretty good.  He said I could make it again... Oh thank you, kind one.

The kids had physicals at school today.  Of course, I'm not actually organized enough to have their paperwork together, so I had to run down to the school to get it filled out.  Katie's physical was fine, but the boys had to have 'boy' physicals.  Oh my goodness, you would have thought they had been tortured.  Both boys said it was awful, although I think they must be exaggerating.  I mean, how hard is it to turn your head and cough... (hehehe)

I get to sub tomorrow for the JH History, Math and then school wide music.  I really like subbing for this teacher, since I get to see a wide range of students.  For the younger grades, Friday's are 'Enrichment' days, which usually translates to playing games.  How can you mess that up?

Patrick got some really good news on a project he has been working on for the last year or two.  It might actually start 'paying', which would be just awesome.  I would be happy with it just paying what we've paid out.  But he thinks it might pay out a lot more than that.  Perhaps patience does pay off!

This morning was in the high 20's, which is not all that unusual.  But, after I got the kids ready for school, I thought I should check on the chicks.  (okay, to be honest, I went back to sleep for an hour, so it was already in the low 40's when I finally checked on them).  They were all out of their boxes and walking around their little caged area.  I filled their food trays with no problem.  Then I looked at their water.  We have a gallon jug, that sits upside down and fills a plastic ring at the bottom.  I realized that the chicks were not drinking, but didn't think much of it.  Until I realized that the water was frozen, solid.  Oh crap.  I broke through the ice, and they all came rushing over for water.  I'll have to keep a better eye on that when it gets below freezing. 

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