Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20, 2012

Outside Temp: 58 F (the high today was 73, with a low of 35... I couldn't ask for a more beautiful day!)

What I cooked today:
Lemon Chicken: I normally bake my Lemon chicken, but I didn't want to spend the time.  So, I just made up a lemon sauce, tossed the chicken with some cornstarch, olive oil and green onions, cooked it in a frying pan, added the sauce and let it simmer.  I think I'll spend the time baking it next time.. It wasn't bad, but it could have been better!


Patrick asked Katie to collect some dandelions.  He is envisioning planting the seeds and feeding dandelions to the chickens instead of chicken feed or some other plant.  I'm just going to sit back and keep my mouth shut.

And, the sole reason I had children... to have Allen do the lawn mowing so neither Patrick nor I have to mow lawns.  Of course, he did a terrible job, missed spots and completely forgot an entire section of the yard.  But, hey, I didn't have to do it!  And I figure he'll learn as time goes on.  (I hope)
So, sometime around 1pm, I got up the bright idea of going into town for shopping.  I really didn't want to, since I'm going into town tomorrow anyway, but I got talked into it.

Once there, I just had to buy things.  I mean, if I'm going to waste the gas going into town, I might as well get this and that and, oh, I really needed those as well! 

I decided to get the split chicken breasts (with rib attached) that were on sale for $1.29/lb, instead of the boneless, skinless chicken breasts that were $2.99/lb.  Once I got home, I proceeded to de-bone them and pack them in FoodSaver bags, and into the freezer.  I turned 10lbs of boned breasts into 6.5 lbs of boneless breasts.  Not too bad!  By the 10th breast, I had gotten pretty good at knowing where to cut and how to save as much meat as possible.  The bones and excess meat and fat ended up in a Ziploc bag, ready for my next stock day!  If I had been really clever, I would have cut up some onion, celery and carrots and thrown them into the bag with the bones.  Then, I would just have to take the entire frozen mass, and plop it into the pot to make my stock... next time...

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