Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 43 F (another beautiful day... no rain, just clear skies and cool weather!)

What I cooked today:
Pancakes, Sausage and Bacon: I decided to actually make breakfast.  I know, crazy thought, but it was Saturday and I haven't really cooked lately, so I thought I'd spoil everyone.  They couldn't decide between sausage and bacon, so we had both!

Spaghetti: I also decided to make dinner.  Oh my goodness, two entire home cooked meals... in one day!  It involved me spending about 3 hours straight in the kitchen cooking, but I think it was totally worth it.

It was a pretty lazy day.  I think at one point, all 4 computers were taken by the 4 kids, with Patrick and I looking on, wondering how spoiled they all are.  I snuggled up with my book and read for a few hours this afternoon.  Not a bad way to spend a Saturday.

Over dinner, we got into a major discussion on the contradictions of time travel.  Kathryn is reading the 3rd Harry Potter book (Prisoner of Azkaban) and Connor was quite upset at the obvious problems with time travel.

After all, if they could use the Time Turner to go back in time, why not go back and kill Voldemort when he was a baby.  Which turned into an explanation by Patrick on the butterfly effect, and how if you changed anything, simply by existing, at a time prior to your conception, you may never be born.  Especially if you take into affect the number of sperm produced by men on any given day, the odds that the same sperm would fertilize the same egg is close to impossible.  So, if Harry went back in time and killed Voldemort, he would have had to do it after his conception.  However, by going back in time might affect whether Ginny or any other kids would be born (after all he would go back to a time before their conception). 

Connor and Allen got it, but Kathryn was still a little confused.  I explained with the 'tree' example, that every moment is a choice and each choice is a different branch.  If you made a different choice at any moment, all original effects would not occur. 

A little heavy for a dinner conversation, but this is our family.  By the end, they all got it, and no one wanted to go back in time any more.  Oh yea, like that was ever an option. 

I guess we aren't like other families.

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