Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 26, 2012

Outside Temp: 32 F (Snowing and raining all day... )

What I cooked today:
Scrambled Eggs and Bacon: I actually enjoy making breakfast for the family.  Since the kids had breakfast at school, I never made it on school days.  And then, weekends, we've all got up at random times, so breakfast was never really reasonable.  But this morning, everyone was up by 10, so I could made something they would all enjoy.  And everything is better with Bacon!!

Chicken: We had dinner late tonight, but since I still had to feed them something, chicken was an easy option.  And it wasn't burgers...

So, as I mentioned above, I made bacon for breakfast.  And, amazingly, we actually had some bacon left when everyone was finished, so we decided that BLT's sounded really good for lunch.  Now, we have the bacon.  I have lettuce in the fridge, but we didn't have any tomatoes.  That's OK, since we needed to check the grandparents' house anyway, and we can steal some tomatoes from their plants. 

But, being the awful parents that we are, we thought we'd tease Allen a little.  So, we told him he had to go up there and get tomatoes for us... Of course, his only options for transportation would be running or his bike.  And it's uphill the whole 2 1/2 miles.  Oh, and it's snowing. 

Needless to say, he was not happy with us.  And no, we didn't actually make him go.  But it was funny for a few minutes, watching his face as he begged us not to make him!   Hehehehe.

Katie went out to check on the chickens during the snow storm this afternoon, and found that the two remaining Cornish Roasters had been pecked on.  They were both bleeding from the ears, and we realized that it's probably time to slaughter them.  But, since we weren't about to do it during the snow storm, we had to find someplace safe for them until next week.  So, they are both inside, in the cardboard box where we had them as chicks.  Of course, they are both so stinking fat, they couldn't fly out anyway.  They can barely walk. 

The other chicks seemed stupid enough to hang out in the cardboard boxes that are falling in.  So, we decided to remove the boxes completely, and force them to go into the dog igloo.  We pulled the two boxes out of their area, and they were all smart enough to go into the igloo.  It's really too small for  24 chickens, but with the temp below freezing, hopefully it will keep them warm.  Their water and food are both outside, so they will have to go out to eat.  But, they should stay alive for the next day or two, until the weather warms back up. 

I got the kids grades from school today in the mail. I have to have a talk with my oldest son, who disappointed me with 2 B+'s instead of all A's.  I understand his B+ in shop, since he ticked off his shop teacher.  But the B+ in English is just not cool.  (yea, I know, I'm demanding).  Of course, Katie and Connor got all A's but they are in Elementary school... I mean, how hard can that be?

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