Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 2012

Outside Temp: 40 F (I expected rain today... it was beautiful all day!)

What I cooked today:
Shepard's Pie: I wanted to try something new, so I found a recipe for Shepard's Pie.  I thought it was fine, but apparently, my children didn't agree.  They 'tollerated' it, but I can't say they were happy about it.  Oh well, I guess it was time for me to make something they didn't like.

Yea!  The Grandparents are back!  They have been gone for the last two weeks (or was it 3?), visiting family and friends back in California.  We got very spoiled by the presents they brought back: a kumquat tree and bags of lemons!  Yummm....  Ryan LOVES lemons, so now I have to decide if I should freeze some, or just hope he eats them before they go bad.  Any ideas?

We also went to town today to get clothes for the kids.  3 of the 4 are being Confirmed at church on Wednesday, and I would be humiliated if Katie walked up there in a old tank top and her snow boots.  Connor seems to only have jeans with holes in the knees, and Allen had no shirts that did not have holes in the neck.  I guess it's only fitting that I finally break down and got some nice clothes for them.  Katie even ended up with new sandals!

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