Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29, 2012

Outside Temp: 49 F (a little overcast... a little rain... a little hail... a little thunder and lightning.  And a beautiful sunset.)

What I cooked today:
Chili and Cornbread: I'm running low on ground beef, again, so I wanted something that only used 1lb for the entire family.  Chili works out well.  Although, I seem to remember the cornbread tasting better.  It was a little rubbery.  Which I like better than falling apart, but still not perfect.

Chocolate Chip Cookies: I was having a sugar craving this afternoon, so I decided to make cookie dough.  Of course, the entire family told me NOT to actually make cookies, but to leave it as dough so they could munch for the rest of the day.  But I wanted cookies!  So, I made 7 cookies (one cookie sheet) for myself, and told the rest of them they could have the dough.  I know, I don't NEED 7 cookies, but I knew that the kids would all want one, once they were cooked.  And I was right.  I ended up with 2.  (and that's because I ate them while the kids weren't looking!)

I actually did work today.  I know, shocking, but true!  And I'll probably have to do work tomorrow, too!  Oh, this working thing is overrated.  But, it makes me happy, so I guess it's okay.

For those of you who read the last few posts, we did NOT slaughter the chickens today.  We were going to, but Patrick worked late last night, and had to work again this afternoon, and we just didn't want to.  However, the chickens are getting to the point where they don't even stand up anymore.  They can't stretch their legs standing up, because they will fall over.  We really, really need to put them out of their misery.  Of course we both have things we need to do tomorrow, but we might just have to decide to do it. 

The kids were bored today, which is a few days sooner than I expected, but not entirely unexpected either.  There was more than once that I just sent them outside.  I didn't care what they did, just get out of the house.  With the weather a little chilly, and rainy, and snowy, for the last few days, they really needed to get out.

Around 7:30pm, they overheard a few kids a block away playing.  So, the three of them (Ryan was entranced in his Avengers movie and didn't want to leave), just headed out, hoping to find someone to play with.  We explained to them that they might want to be back home by dark.

So, for the next 2 hours, the kids were playing somewhere.  I have an idea of where they were, but I really wasn't concerned.  As the sun set, and the street lights (all 1 of them) turned on, I thought back to my childhood, where we used to play until dark.  Who knew that places still existed where kids could play until dark?

Around 9:30, I threw on my sweats and wandered over in that direction.  The kids had already headed back home, so we met half way (which is about 200 ft from our house).   Yes, the sun was down, but the sunset was still on the horizon.  And there were no concerns or worries.  I LOVE it here!

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