Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012

Outside Temp: 55 F (overcast and rainy off and on all day... Which was fun with the 70+ degree weather today!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers, Corn and Tater Tots: I had some ears of corn that needed to get eaten.  So, I broke down, and made burgers.  I know, I know, burgers are boring, but with Connor gone at his field trip, it worked out fine for us.  And the corn finally got cooked.  And I have figured out how to make tater tots!  All good things!

Field Trip Day!
Katie and Ryan at the Fish Hatchery!
Connor went with his class to Billings.  They went to the zoo (where he told me the Prairie Dogs were stalking him) and had a great time.  Afterwards, they went to a hunting/fishing store called Cabala's, where they did a scavenger hunt and fed the fish.  And the best part may have been stopping at Dairy Queen for Blizzards! 

Katie, Ryan and I went with the K-4th grade classes into Great Falls.  We toured the Coca-Cola plant, where we got to taste the syrup and learn how the cans are produced.  The kids really learned a lot (like the fact that Corn is not a vegetable, it's a fruit... who knew?) and had a great time.  And, of course, they got free samples!  The plant was making Sprite today, so we got cans to take with us, for our lunches!  We also got to taste Coke, which was awesome. 

The K-4th grade classes at the Coca Cola Plant
 Ryan got to join the other kids on the bus for the trip between locations and apparently, he did great!  I'm glad, since I'll be sending him on the bus next year, so this was a good trial ride.

Afterwards, we went to the Children's Museum.  The kids went wild!  They had a 'dig' site, with beans (instead of sand... smart people!) filled with dinosaur bones and other archaeological items.  There was a dress up room, with all sorts of clothing items, and a lot of other areas.  A favorite may have been the Lego section... I could have spent hours in that section alone!

After the museum, we headed over to the Hatchery, where we had lunch. Mother Nature decided to allow a few drops of rain during lunch, but no one seemed to mind.  Lunches were provided by our awesome lunch lady, and they were great!  The Sprite was an added bonus!

Our tour of the Hatchery was a lot of fun!  Ryan loved watching the fish, and I just had to make sure he kept his hands out of the water.  The ranger who showed us around was fun to watch!  He was so animated, I thought he belonged on a Disney show or something.  He was great!

We all spent sometime feeding the fish, and making sure the kids didn't fall into the pond.  After that, we headed over to the Wildlife center, where there were lots of exhibits on local wildlife, such as deer, eagles, bears and such.  By this time, Ryan was done (which isn't surprising, since he'd been up since 7am and it was now almost 2pm).  So, he and I went outside to watch the clouds as the other kids finished up the tour. 

I admit, I was exhausted by the time we got home.  I'm blaming it more on a bad night sleep, since we were home by 3pm, and even though I was up before 7am, that's no excuse for as tired as I was.  Oh well, only 2 more days of school... which also means only 2 more days of waking up in the morning and only 1 more night (after tonight) of making the kids get into bed while the sun is still up!

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