Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012

Outside Temp: 61 F (it was in the 80's again.  It should start cooling down by Friday.. I hope)

What I cooked today:
Chicken Kiev (sort of): I decided to try something new today.  I been hearing (you know who you are) that I need to cook something other than burgers.  So, I grabbed my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, and looked at the chicken section.  Their 'Chicken Kiev' used parsley and garlic, but I thought I'd try my Greek seasoning.  You pound the chicken (which is totally fun!), then sprinkle the seasoning, place a chunk of butter in the middle and roll it up.  Then (after chilling in the fridge for a little bit), you fry it up to brown the outside, and bake for 20 minutes.  Of course, I didn't get to eat it right out of the oven, but I heard it went over really well.  I had some when I got home, heated up in the microwave, and it was pretty good.   So, I made something that wasn't burgers... Guess what we're having tomorrow...

I substituted for the high school math teacher today.  And I have to admit, I let one of the kids get the better of me.  My fourth period class (right before lunch) was a little distracted and difficult to keep on task.  When one of them finished with his work early (about 15 minutes early), they all told me that the regular teacher always lets them leave for lunch early if they are finished with their work.  I was skeptical, but since they all agreed, I let the one student who was finished leave.  He was out the door and down the stairs in about 2 seconds.  By the time the other students realized I'd let him go, they all started howling in protest... We didn't mean it!  Not fair!  Can we go to?

Needless to say, I totally should NOT have let him leave.  And you can bet that the next time the students say that their teacher always does something, I will be sure to verify with a responsible adult.  I have totally learned my lesson!

I get to sub tomorrow for English, so when I have the same students, I will be sure to keep them in line!

We had a school board meeting tonight, so I made up the chicken and had it brought up to the grandparents' house for dinner.  Grandma finished baking it up there, so it would be hot and ready for them when they finished their work (they're building a chicken coop up there for our chickens!).  Our board meeting lasted a little long, so I didn't get home until about 9:30.  Patrick had all the kids in bed and all I had to do was kiss them goodnight.  Totally awesome! 

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