Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (a little overcast and, at times, a little chilly.  But beautiful just the same. )

What I cooked today:
Chinese Chicken: I can't honestly call it Walnut Chicken anymore, since there are no walnuts and it's different.  I don't have any walnuts, or snow peas, or mushrooms.  I make the chicken similar, and toss in some frozen veggies with the sauce.  It works out well.  This time I made 3 cups of rice (instead of my normal 2 cups), and it was still all eaten up!

The neighborhood kids showed up around 10am, asking for Allen (who was still fast asleep, after finally going to bed around 3:30am... I know, I know, but it's summer vacation, and I really don't care.).  So, once he got up and had breakfast, he was out the door.  Around 11am, Connor and Kathryn headed over to the neighbor's as well.

Patrick and I had some things to do in Geyser, so the kids were on their own for a while (except Ryan, who came with us).  Not that they minded (my only rule was no kids in the house while we weren't there.)  We were gone for hours, and for some reason, I wasn't even slightly concerned.

At Geyser, Patrick was able to download a ton of things, and acted like a kid in a candy store at how fast the Internet connection was.  He also hung out with our Superintendent, and they chatted about stuff.  While he dealt with some website bugs, and chatted, I helped our Special Ed teacher pack up her U-Haul.  She's moving today, which makes me sad (she worked wonders with Ryan this year).  But, I hope she will be happy in her new job and new home, so that makes me happy.

Once we got home, we looked over the chickens and decided that they weren't fat enough.  I know, they are huge, but the 'book' says that their breast needs to be creamy and yellow, not blue.  And their chests are kind of blue, so it claims they need more fat.  We switched out their food for a few days, but one way or another, we will have to kill them soon and put them out of their misery.  They are soooooo fat. 

Patrick and I spent some time out in the backyard, fixing the lawn mower. Apparently, when Allen was using it last week, he 'pushed' it, when he wasn't supposed to (the engine was still engaged, or something). And, it pushed one of the chains off of the gear. So, we ended up taking apart the bottom of the lawn mower and fixing the chain. And while we were out there, we took a picture of Ryan. Oh my goodness, he doesn't look evil! :)

The other chickens are doing fine outside.  We are kind of surprised how well they are doing.  It was in the 30's with snow and hail and rain, and they seem to have survived just fine.  They are starting to 'roost', which means they are sitting on the branches in their pen.  We went out there, and about 9 chickens were all sitting, next to each other, on the same branch.  Of course, us showing up startled them and a few jumped off.  But they are getting so old!

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