Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 49 F (it was in the 80's today!!  A little too hot for me, but I have no right to complain... it's less that 100, right?)

What I cooked today:
Burgers: Yes, again.  I was too tired to actually think about a meal, so I just made up burgers.  I did cook tater tots, which are stinking awesome, and they actually cooked right this time!  So, when the package says 20-25 minutes, it actually means 50 in my oven... just for future reference...

Okay, I'm going to preface this post with: I'm an idiot.  Isn't the definition of an idiot doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?  So, what is it when you keep doing something stupid, and never, ever learn from it? 

Allen had a track meet in Great Falls today.  So, being the dutiful mom that I am, I made a point of going.  I've decided that track meets are similar to the swim meets I had in high school, except that in swimming, there is only one pool, so there is only one event at a time.  In track, they have running events and field events.  And these events occur simultaneously.  So, you have to keep an eye on the schedule and really listen to the loud speaker, to make sure that you show up to your events. 

The meet started at 9am, but Allen's first event wasn't until about 9:30, so I didn't have to rush.  I was there in plenty of time, and loved watching him.  He did the shot put first, then the long jump.  Then the 100m dash, and back to the field for the discus. And finally, he finished with the 200m.  The meet lasted until about 1:30ish. 

He did great, and especially in the discus, where he came in 2nd!  (granted, there were only 2 people competing, but that's not important, is it?) 

Now, the stupid part.  For those who know me, I have very fair skin.  I don't tan, I burn.  I know this.  It hasn't changed since I was in high school, and would get burned at every swim meet we had.  I went to college in San Diego, and never went to the beach.  I get burned when I ski.  I get burned when I go outside for more than 5 minutes at a time.  I know this.  It's not a surprise.

So, can anyone explain to me, why I spent 4 hours, in 80 degree weather, on a beautiful clear day, in full view of the sun, at 5000ft, with no sunscreen?  No hat?  No attempt to find shade?  Just a ponytail (leaving my shoulders and next exposed) and a t-shirt (short sleeve, of course). 

Sometime around 11am, I realized that I was uncomfortable in the sun.  But, did I do anything about it?  Maybe ask my son, who had sunscreen in his bag, to get it for me?  Nah, I can handle it.  It won't be that bad.  Sure...

Finally, by noon, I asked Allen to get me his sunscreen.  Oh yea, that will really help.  Isn't that like closing the gate to the chicken coop, after the cat's eaten them all?  (no, our chicks are all fine, just an analogy)  Perhaps the last hour of the meet, where I did actually put sunscreen on my face and arms and neck, may have helped a little.  But oh boy, I am totally burned. 

I got home, and I fell into bed, probably a mixture of heat stroke and sunburn.  I'm so lame.  The kids took good care of me, and I'll totally survive.  But, it just reminds me what an idiot I can be...

Any chance that next time, I'll use sunscreen, and wear a hat?  Oh please, can I finally learn my lesson?

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