Monday, May 28, 2012

May 27, 2012

Outside Temp: 34 F (it finally stopped snowing today... which means that the snow melted and the grass is green again.  I love how the weather changes so quickly!)

What I cooked today:
Mini Quiches: Turned out terrible.  I will never again try to make quiche in my mini muffin pan.  I tried two recipes; one is a Mexican quiche that I used to make for Sunday brunch.  But, I didn't have all the ingredients anyway, and it turned out terrible.  So, I tried another recipe.  It called for a piece of bread at the bottom, then onions and cheese, then eggs and milk.  They weren't as terrible, but they sure weren't great.  I ended up having leftover pizza for breakfast!

Burgers and Pasta: I know, I know, the old standby.  Somehow, it got to be 7:30, and I hadn't thought about food yet.  So, I went with something quick and easy. I think I'll start thinking about dinner around noon tomorrow, just so something gets made!

By the time we woke up this morning, the snow had already started melting.  Patrick and I are getting ourselves psyched up to slaughter the two Cornish chickens tomorrow.  He's sharpened the ax and everything.  I'm still not sure how I'm going to handle this, but I'm going to try to be brave and stoic.  Of course, I'm sure some screaming will occur.  But, I'll hopefully be able to laugh about it later.

We spent a few hours cleaning up the house today.  It's been a while since we did a full blown cleaning session (which, in our house, means about 2 hours of cleaning.  I know, we're totally spoiled).  I did get about 5 loads of laundry done, the kitchen was swept and counters were scrubbed.  And the carpet was vacuumed (even under the couches).  I still need to attack the bedrooms, but I did get all the kids to help, so I couldn't push them too hard (okay, yes, I could have, but I didn't want to clean anymore).

So, with the addition of Patrick's and my new computers, we currently have 5 computers that work pretty well (and 2 that work okay and 2 XBoxes).  Which means that Patrick and I can both be working, Connor can write his story, Katie can look at YouTube videos, Allen can play MineCraft (or Robolox or whatever he's playing these days) and Ryan can play XBox games.  So, for about 2 hours today, no one complained or argued or whined or begged or anything.  Ahhh, I think we have found a nice balance of technological advancement. 

The best part was that after about 2 hours, the kids all ended up outside playing in the yard with 'swords' and shields.  They played 'cops and robbers' and 'knights' and other games that involved running around and playing with each other.  I admit I was a little concerned that if we gave them the option, they would spend all day inside, playing computer games.  It's nice to know that they choose to go outside and play instead of being inside all day!

We discussed our plans for the summer tonight.  We are going to start scouting out hiking trails up in the Highwoods, tourist traps in Virginia City, camping trips down to Yellowstone and fishing, out our back gate.  We have a little less than 3 full months left, so it comes down to about 11 weeks.  I'm sure we can have an awesome summer in 11 weeks!

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