Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15, 2012

Outside Temp: 62 F (it was in the high 80's today... ugh, I really miss the snow.  But the good news is that it should cool back down to the 60's by Friday... )

What I cooked today:
Nothing: We had dinner up at the Grandparents' house, so I didn't have to cook... which is awesome since it means that I didn't have to heat up my house by using the oven!

Ugh, I really, really don't like it when it's warm.  I know, mid 80's isn't that hot, but I still don't like it.  I felt all tired and cranky all day long. 

I went into town today.  Ryan needed his meds and I figured I'd do some shopping while I was there.  And, while there, I did something totally unusual for me.  Now, those who know me well, know that I hate shopping.  Even more, I hate shopping for clothes.  And even more than that, I've never seen the use of having more than one or two pairs of shoes.  I usually wear my shoes out until they break, or have holes in them, or are simply falling apart.  Then, I proceed to buy the same stinking shoes and use them up.  You can usually expect me to own one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of semi-nice shoes that I can wear with a dress or skirt. 

Well, since being up here, I can't find my dress shoes, so it was only my tennis shoes for the first few months.  Then, the snows hit, so I bought a pair of boots.  Sometime around February, I decided that I didn't want to wear my snow boots to church, with a skirt, so I broke down and bought a pair of nice boots.  I'm not commenting on the current state of my snow boots, which are not useless (yet) but probably need new laces.

Today (in the heat), I was wearing my tennis shoes to town.  But I was hot and wearing socks in the heat just sucks.  So, I stopped by Wal-mart (yes, I'm one of those).  And I actually went to the shoe section to look for something for my feet.  Mostly, I wanted to get some flats to wear with my dresses.  I found some simple slip on flats that work, so I picked those up.  But that wasn't enough.

I looked through all the options (there were about 6 that made any sense) of sandals.  The ones I liked were a little more expensive (like $25 instead of $10).  Hmmm, spend $25 on sandals?  That's a lot for me.  But, hey, I got paid today, so I decided to spoil myself.  (I can see so many people laughing right now, at the concept of a $25 pair of Wal-Mart sandals being spoiling, but you have to understand, I don't buy things for myself, and I really don't buy shoes). 

As I was walking out of the shoe section, with my new sandals in hand, I saw a pair of black Keds (okay, for those not raised in the 80's, I guess they're not called Keds anymore, but they're the slip on shoes, usually white, with absolutely no support).  I decided, since I was over budget anyway, why not get a set of slip-on's that weren't sandals, and weren't dressy. 

Oh my goodness, me... buying 3 pairs of shoes?  At one time?  I think I've been taken over by aliens.

As soon as I got out to the car, I pulled off my tennis shoes and socks, and put on my new sandals.  I figured by the end of the day, I would have blisters or I would regret them.  Nope.  I walked around all day in my new sandals, and my feet felt nice and cool.  Okay, not exactly cool, it was still in the 80's.  But, I felt good.  Hmmm, maybe this is why women spend so much money on new shoes?

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