Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012

Outside Temp: 33 F (It actually rained this morning, which was beautiful!  Connor said it reminded him of Ireland... like he's actually been there... )

What I cooked today:
Vegetable Beef Soup: Soup is a great dinner on a cold evening, which this was.  I added some red wine vinegar, and the kids all loved it!  They actually asked for more vinegar to be drizzled on the top... only my kids would ask for a vinaigrette drizzle on the top of their soup!

So, I was supposed to substitute today, but the Track meet in Lewistown was cancelled because of the rain, so I got all dressed and didn't have to actually do anything!  There were no complaints, though, since it meant that I got to go back home and go back to bed.

I woke up with a stuffy nose, and I figured it was allergies or change in weather or something.  So (silly me), I asked my husband (who is brilliant, by the way) what I should do about my stuffy nose.  He immediately gave me 2 Sudafed and 1 Benadryl.  I asked if the Benadryl would make me drowsy, since I was supposed to be working and I couldn't fall asleep.  He said, no problem.  I'd be fine.

Oh yea.. sure.  By the time I got back home, I fell into bed and slept for about 3 hours.  No more Benadryl in the morning...  The good side is that my stuffy nose was gone!

Patrick decided that it was time to mow the lawn, again.  After last week's 8 hour mowing marathon, I figured it would be weeks before I got him to do it again.  But, he got up on his riding lawn mower around 6pm this evening and started mowing.  I felt really bad at 7:30, when I told him dinner was on the table.  He said he would try to finish tomorrow... he finished a little over 1/2 of the yard.  I think he likes spending time, outside, with no children or wife to bug him.  The ear plugs don't hurt, either.

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