Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18, 2012

Outside Temp: 39 F (it rained and hailed and then clear then rain then clear... I love the changes in weather!)

What I cooked today:
Beef Stew: I had some steak in the freezer from December, so I thought I'd try a beef stew to use it up.  I think the potatoes and carrots and onions and celery tasted great.  Not so much for the steak, but who cares.  It was protein and it made the rest of the stew taste good.  I'm just glad it's been used up!

Biscuits: I usually make biscuits with buttermilk, but I didn't have any, so I used regular milk.  Just for future reference, use buttermilk or don't make them.  Not nearly as good as usual!

The chicks are still alive.  I know that was a big concern, but I think the rest of the birds are okay.  They all came when we brought them scratch grain and none of them looked sickly.  I'm hoping that yesterday's events were a one-time thing. 

I didn't have to substitute today, which means that I got to stay in my PJs for an extra few hours.  heheheh.

I did get a lot of work done during the beautiful rain storm this morning.  And, I got to spend an hour or so chatting at the post office (which I haven't had a chance to do in a while!)

The elementary school had a Books for Bikes contest.  Each student got an entry into the raffle for each chapter they read for the semester.  And, as you may know, Connor reads a lot.  I'm not sure exactly the numbers involved, but the story I was told is that there were about 300-400 entries into the raffle.  And, about 150 of them were Connor's. He read about 8-10 books this semester (about 3 months). So, guess who won a bike this afternoon?? 

The winner got a helmet and a gift certificate for $125 to be used towards the purchase of a new bike (and any accessories).  How totally awesome is that?  He said he would ride up to the Grandparent's house with Allen this summer.  THANK YOU SO MUCH to the Mason Lodge in Hobson!!  I'm not sure when we'll head over to Lewistown to pick up his prize, but I'm sure it will be soon! 

After dinner, I talked Patrick into fixing the back door.  If you go back to my first post (or second, but somewhere in the beginning), we got a pellet stove, and had to install a door to put the stove into (it's one of those window things, but we didn't have a window to put it in).  Well, since the winter (that wasn't) is (mostly) over, I figured it was time to put the pellet stove away for the summer. 

Of course, to put the old door back in place, it is necessary to find the hardware.  Hmmm, I wonder where the hardware would have gone.  It would have been way too easy to put the hardware in a bag and tape it to the door.  Or, perhaps to put it on the shelf next to the door. 

30 minutes later, I found it, in a bag, in a closet, next to some boxes that still have not been unpacked.  Oh yea, that was really smart.

Having a back door is great.  After it was all put on (and yes, it fit and still latched correctly and was square and all that), Patrick and I sat out on the back porch, eating ice cream (the Schwanns guy came by last night... woo hoo) and watching the sunset.  Then the temperature dropped about 20 degrees as soon as the sun was down.  Time to go back inside...

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