Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012

Outside Temp: 48 F (it's back to being warm.  I've decided that it's going to stay warm until everyone is back home from their travels for the holidays.  Then it can get cold and snowy again, without putting anyone in danger.  Isn't my way of thinking nice?)

What I cooked today:
French Toast: Katie finally got her french toast this morning.  She's been asking for at least the last 3 days for french toast for breakfast and I've been putting her off.  Of course, making french toast made me realize that I only had one loaf of bread left in the freezer.  I should be heading into town sometime this week to get Ryan's boots resolved, so hopefully, I'll remember to get more.  Until then, I guess it's pancakes. 

Split Pea Soup: I had a ham bone left from Christmas, so I figured this was as good a time as any to make split pea soup.  I got a couple of 5 pound bags of lentils a few months ago, so I have plenty of peas.  I even have both green and yellow, although I decided just to make green today.  The soup turned out fine, but there was still a bunch of fat left on the bone.  The fat probably made the soup taste better, but it also meant that you had to be careful or else you ended up with a big bite of fat... ewww.  I think I'll just try bacon ends next time...

It's the last day of Christmas vacation.  We all have to wake up tomorrow morning before 7am and the kids need to actually go to school.  I think that going back after this break is harder than even going back after summer.  We've only been out for 10 days, but those days have been so filled with going places and doing things that the kids haven't really had time to just sit and veg.  Of course, we've been skiing 3 times, and they've all spent plenty of time playing their new games and we've had more 'family game' time than we've ever had in the past.  But none of that makes up for how awful tomorrow morning is going to be. 

To be perfectly honest, I can't complain.  I just have to get them up and onto the bus and then I could, in theory, go back to bed.  But I've also been taking some time off from all my responsibilities, and the laundry is piling up and the floors need to be vacuumed and swept.  So, I've spent most of today lying in bed reading, not wanting to start back in the real world tomorrow.  I know, pretty lazy, but relaxing just the same. 

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