Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22, 2012

Outside Temp: 19 F (a little windy, but just beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
French Toast: So, I've been making french toast for years, with mostly eggs and a splash of milk.  But I looked at a recipe yesterday that had about 1 1/2 cups of milk to about 3 eggs.  I was stunned.  Who knew that french toast was supposed to be mostly milk, with just a few eggs?  So, I made toast today with about 4 eggs and a lot more milk than I usually use.  I also added in some vanilla.  And while I was too busy to actually eat them, they smelled much more like the french toast smell that I love.  Next time, I might actually have enough time to eat some myself!

By the way, on a totally unrelated topic, have any of you ever had that day where everything ticks you off?  You wake up irritated, and every voice, every noise, everything around you just sets you off and you can't seem to control it.  You find yourself yelling at the kids or your husband, for things that usually don't bother you? And worse yet, you know you are being unreasonable and you can't stop?  No?  Oh crap.. I mean, me either.

So, it's Sunday, which means it's a ski day!

We all headed up to the mountain late this morning.  Patrick and Allen both said their boots fit much better since we talked to the ski guys in town on Friday.  Ryan wasn't really in the mood to ski, so we only stayed on the slopes for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, before we headed into the lodge for hot chocolate.  I think he really just wanted the bag of toys I was smart enough to remember to bring.

About an hour later, Katie came wandering into the lodge.  She said she had a headache, and was hungry and wanted some Italian soda.  About 30 minutes later, Connor came in and said he was done for the day.

So the 3 kids and I hung out in the lodge for another hour, playing cards and reading and munching on fries.  Allen showed up and helped me keep Ryan occupied, allowing Patrick and Grandpa about 30 minutes of freedom.  Then we all packed up and headed out to the Lazy Doe for steaks and burgers. 

On the way down the mountain, I stopped to get a Sunday paper (I love my coupons) and we found the item below in a shopping cart.  Patrick insisted that I get a picture with the kids. 

I know there is a story to this deer head in a shopping cart, but I haven't asked yet.  It's almost more fun to let the kids come up with a story on their own!

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