Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28, 2012

Outside Temp: 40 F (still windy, but not as windy as earlier this week!)

What I cooked today:
Bran Muffins: I know, this doesn't sound all that great, but they are totally awesome!  Patrick's mom gave us a Tupperware container full of mix, which you can put in the fridge and use whenever you're ready.  Needless to say, I used up the entire container this morning to make about 2 dozen mini-muffins.  The kids went spastic over how great they are!  I'd forgotten how great this recipe is, simply because you can mix up the batter, and leave it in the fridge for a few days.  Then you can use only what you want at that time.  Of course, in my house, I'm sure we'll use up all the batter in one sitting!

Walnut Chicken: Still can't seem to get any snow peas, and I seem to buy fresh mushrooms, just to let them sit and get gross in my fridge.  But I can still make the sauce and throw some walnuts in... everyone loved it.  I even used up about 2 lbs of chicken that have been sitting in my freezer since before we moved... at least 6 months.  Probably closer to 9.  Couldn't tell... it turned out great.  I guess soy sauce and sherry will do that to chicken.  I even made some fried rice to go with the chicken.  By the time dinner was over, we were totally full. 

This is my 100th post!  I haven't miss a day since I started back in October.  And I've had over 2500 views of my blog.  You are all totally awesome!!

Okay, so we had the guy from the septic draining company come over today to resolve our septic problem.  We lifted the lid yesterday, and it looked pretty full.  But, the guy said that, although it was about 90% full, it was not the cause of our problems.  He did pump it, which caused the scent to blow a few blocks away, all the way to the church.  Our neighbors just love us!

He found a blockage about 3 feet from the septic tank, back up the main line.  Once he cleared that, he tried to continue snaking up the line.  But found that the pipe is damaged.  Of course, that means that the entire pipe would need to be replaced.  He said the 'break' was kind of like a jagged edge, grabbing hold of any 'thing' that goes past, and probably causing the blockage.  My favorite part was that it was probably just toilet paper causing the blockage.  The toilet paper could get caught on that 'edge' and start causing the block.  So.... we can use the septic, as long as we don't use too much toilet paper.  Oh, yea, that's going to be awesome!

On a much lighter note, Allen got to read the first and second readings in church today.  He practiced for about an hour, and seemed really ready.  Up until the moment he was up there at the lectern.  Suddenly, he seemed really, really nervous.  While during practice, he was reading nice and slow, once he got up there, he sped up and read much faster.  He only stumbled over one or two moments.  I was so proud!!  We are going to talk to the people at the church about setting up a schedule where we can read.  That way, Patrick, Allen and I can take turns.   I love this church!!

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