Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012

Outside Temp: 48 F (it's not cold enough for snow, although the weatherman has promised me snow tomorrow... we'll have to see...)

What I cooked today:
Burgers: I know, old standby.  We had a church study group tonight, so I wanted something quick on the table.  And I was too tired to actually make an effort. 

We were invited over to a neighbor's house for the church study group tonight.  We watched a great movie, the first of 10 parts, and stopped every 10-15 minutes to discuss.  Sometimes I think the best part of study groups like this is the discussions between the participants.  You get to throw out your ideas and other people respond.  Everyone is coming from a different place, and you all have different experiences.  So, it's really nice to have a great group of people who are willing to share with you.

So, on the house front, we talked to someone today about the house we were looking at.  It is intact and would be a great place to rent, if only it had a septic system.  Apparently, when the current owner's mother in law lived there, in the early 90's, they drained their septic directly into the creek.  Ewwwww!  We're going to talk to her tomorrow to see if she has any plans to put a septic in.  After all, Patrick is at home all day playing video games (okay, not really), so he has the time to help.

We also found out about a few other places.  There's a house for sale in Geyser (where the kids go to school, about 15 minutes from Raynesford) on a great lot with a barn and a place for a garden.  I don't know if the owner would be willing to rent, but it's an option.  There's also a trailer, owned by the school, that the superintendent said we could use in a pinch.  It also turns out that there are two other places here in Raynesford that are empty and might work.  I got a phone number for one of them, and I'll check on the other tomorrow.  By the end of the day today, I think almost everyone in Geyser and Raynesford knows that we're looking and if anything comes up, I'm sure we'll hear about it.

I have to say, everyone in this place is so darn nice.  They have just accepted us as we are, and are so willing to help. 

We have snow scheduled for tomorrow, so we'll have to see how that goes.  Since it's almost 50 F right now, I'm not really expecting much.  But, you never know around here... the weather can change on a dime.

1 comment:

  1. What an adventure girl!! Thanks for the new button, I subscribed so now I don't have to persue facebook, I'm trying to stay off again now that the vacation is over.

    hugs to all of you tell the kids the girls said "hi" and they miss them!
