Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4, 2012

Outside Temp: 56 F (Are you kidding me?  Are we in summer here?  I wore a t-shirt today, and I wasn't cold!  What the hell?)

What I cooked today:
STEAK! - mmm, red meat.  beef.  awesome.  See yesterday's post to see the pics of the awesome meat I got in town yesterday.  I love steak.  :)

Tonight, we talked with the owner of the house we are renting.  When we picked this place, it was for sale, and we were hoping to make enough on the house in CA to be able to buy it.  It's priced really low.  Then we got here, and found out that there are a few problems with it.  Like, some electrical doesn't work and some plumbing needs to be fixed.  Just a few little, minor problems.  But problems that make you wonder if you really want to buy something that you know is already broken.  How much would it cost us to fix the things that are wrong? 

Then we sold the house in CA for a LOT less than we were hoping, and there goes the money we were hoping to use to buy the place.  So, we couldn't buy it, even if we wanted to.  But we are still paying rent, and we are obviously paying for utilities (which during the winter could be adding up).  So, the guy is still getting a pretty good deal from us.  The place is still for sale, but no one seems all that interested.

So, he calls tonight and we tell him that we can't buy it.  He seemed a little irritated (which is fair), since he thought we were going to be buying as soon as the other place sold.  We asked if he wanted us to leave, and he said no.  But, he might be coming back in a few months, and if he does, then he'd like us to leave then. 

Oh crap.  I hate moving.  No, I mean I really hate moving.  We haven't unpacked about 1/2 of our stuff (like books and china and misc stuff), which is sitting in boxes in the garage.  So, in all honesty, it won't be that big of a deal.  And perhaps this is a good thing, since I know that we would sit in this house for years and not move forward, if we had the option.  We can't really fix anything, because who wants to spend the money fixing something when it's not yours.  And there's always that fear that you'll make it worse, which would be fine if it was your place, but you don't want to break someone else's house.

So, I'm going to start talking to the ladies around here.  I know of one place that hasn't been lived in for at least 10 years.  It may not be livable right now, but it might have potential.  And someone else might know of some other place that might work.  We're not really picky, and we aren't afraid of a little hard work.  It's just a little rough since we are getting settled in and we really, really like the town and the people around here.  I guess I'll start thinking about re-packing anything that didn't really need to get unpacked in the first place.  And we were smart enough not to throw away all the boxes. 

Wish me luck!  I really, really don't want to have to go live in the Grandparents' basement.  (and they really, really don't want us there, either!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, I'm sorry! I always save my boxes too after what I've been through. I will be praying for you. It's so unsettling to not be settled. I've decided I hate being a homeowner, and I hate being a renter for all the reasons you mentioned....fixing somebody else's problems and never knowing if you can stay or go. On the flip, I hate paying mortgage interest and property taxes and having to fix and worry about my investment too! I've decided the only way to "live" peaceably, is to pay cash for a small, affordable on the utilities home. Only repairs and property taxes. No high mortgage interest. But, how to get that cash............hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
