Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

Outside Temp: 15 F (pretty clear most of the day.  It started at 2 degrees, and made it up to 49!)

What I cooked today:
Meatloaf and broccoli:  I was going to go with burgers, but thought, nah, that's boring.  Let's try something else.  Meatloaf came to mind.  Simple, easy and yummy.  And it went great with the broccoli that has been in my fridge for over a week, waiting patiently for me to cook it.

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.  Especially with me continually commenting on how great things are going.  Patrick is on his way into the hospital with Ryan.  He spiked a fever when we hooked up his TPN this evening, so we probably have a line infection.

He was a little punky last night, but we thought it might just be the bug that I was fighting, so we gave him a single dose of Tylenol and he was fine.  He got up this morning, and seemed to be doing okay.  We kept him home from school, just in case.  He played most of the day, although there were a few times that he complained about being tired and not really hungry.  We, again, figured it might just be the bug. 

The fever came on much faster and harder tonight.  We hooked up his TPN at 9:30pm, and by 10:00, he was shaking and shivering.  So we just bundled him up and raced to the car.  The hospital has a plan in place for us, so we are just bringing him right up to the floor, where his nurse will be waiting for him.  If all goes well, he should be getting his first round of antibiotics by 11:30-midnight.  We also gave him a dose of Tylenol, so hopefully, he'll be feeling (a little) better by the time he gets into the hospital.

On a lighter note, it was the first day back to school from Christmas break.  And it was also the first day of my Game Design class.  Last semester, I mentored a Web Design class with 3 students in it.  No problem and the students did great.  This semester, somehow, in my Game Design class, I ended up with 11 students, which is most of the high school.  Wow.  I'm assuming that it has more to do with the students desire NOT to take the weights PE class, which is the only other class offered during 8th period.  I'm sure my teaching is not that much of a draw.  I only hope that they learn something and have some fun. 

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