Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 17 F (warm enough today that I actually opened up a few windows... then I realized that 50 degrees outside, with wind, is still cold, and I closed them.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... I made some soup for Katie and I, but other than that, the kids were on their own.  I had a sandwich and some M&Ms for dinner... bad mom.

So, I think that I caught a different bug.  I was sick a few days ago, but I was pretty sure that I got over it and I was doing fine.  Then, last night, I just got smacked down by another head cold.  I couldn't sleep and my head was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.  I woke up at 6am, with my nose swelled shut. 

As luck would have it, Katie seems to have roughly the same bug.  So, she and I spent most of the day in bed, sleeping, sniffling, sneezing and praying for the ability to breathe.  Grandpa gave us some really cool nasal wash stuff, which helped.  But, I was still tired and whiny all day.  I hate that.

The boys went to church without us, and then Grandpa was awesome and went with them to the basketball game tonight.  The boys are both in the pep band, which means that they play at all the home games.  I might have been able to pull my lazy bum out of bed to take them to the game, but I was more than willing to let Grandpa help out.

Ryan is still doing great.  They identified the bug (an E. Coli, which is kind of what we expected) and they switched his antibiotics to one that is only once a day, which is totally easy for us (the alternative is antibiotics that are twice, three times and sometimes four times a day... those suck).  Patrick is surviving his incarceration at the hospital with Ryan by alternating sleeping and playing video games... oh the rough life. 

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