Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

Outside Temp: 33 F (the snow is turning to slush everywhere, just in time to turn to ice the next time it freezes!  Praying I don't slip.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: I don't know how these working women manage to get dinner on the table, but it was quite the stretch to actually get protein and starch on the table for dinner, before 8pm, but I did it... Yea, me.

I got to sub for our Special Ed teacher today (and every day this week), which means that I get to get up and dressed in the morning.  I feel a little bad for my kids at 8:30am, since I tend to yawn for the first hour or so.  They kept asking me if I was tired... I wasn't really tired, but I still kept yawning.  Not really inspirational, I know.

The kids had their Spelling Bee this afternoon, and amazingly, both Connor and Katie placed!  Connor came in 4th and Katie came in 5th, which means they both get to go to the county spelling bee in Stanford in February!  So proud of them both!

Allen has managed to come down with the bug that is going around, so I kept him home from school today.  He's not awful, but his cough is really hacking.  I'm not sure if it's better enough for him to go to school tomorrow, but he's trying to get his homework done anyway.  We'll see how it goes in the morning. 

My game design class is going great.  Everyone is 'Ahead' of the class's required schedule, thank goodness, and most of them are actually ahead of my schedule, which is a little more aggressive.  I want them to get done with the class by the first of May, since school should be out by May 15th (or so), so I am really pushing them.  I have 4 of them already starting on their first game design document, which is kind of exciting.  They are a little nervous, since it's a little foreign, but they are trying which is all I can ask for!

And, Ryan is now staying at school until noon, which gives him an extra 30 minutes of recess after lunch.  He's doing great, trying to eat his lunch, although some days it requires a little finesse.  He LOVES the fruit, and is learning about eating the meat.  Of course, yesterday, he stole a grape off of another teacher's plate, but I'm hoping that is just because I was there and he was testing me.  I almost stabbed his hand with my fork, but better judgement kicked in and I simply told him to say he was sorry.  Oh yea, that would have gone over really well...

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