Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013

Outside Temp: 21 F (we got some snow today, which was just beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Pizza and Macs & Cheese: I wasn't feeling up to making a full meal, so I pulled a frozen pizza out of the freezer.  However, 1 little pizza is not enough to feed my family, so I paired it with some macs & cheese.  Not exactly a stellar meal, but it worked.

Hello Again!

I took a week (or so) off from writing my blog.  To be totally honest, I was bored with it.  I can't imagine why anyone would be interested in reading it, and after the holiday, life around here was pretty ho-hum. 

However, after getting a few little nudges, I figure that perhaps there is a reason to keep writing.  If nothing else, it keeps me finding something each day that is worthy of writing about.  Okay, not every day, but most days.

In the last week, the kids didn't have school, which means that we let them stay up as late as they want (yes, I know, we're bad parents).  They did make it up to the ski slopes last Friday, but Ryan wasn't feeling all the good, so I stayed home with him, (which means my camera stayed home as well).  The next time they go up, I'll make sure to get some pictures.

The other days we just sat around, and did almost nothing.  When the kids stay up until 2am, they don't get moving until about noon (I think Allen set the record at getting up at 3pm...). With the days being so short, that means they only see a few hours of daylight.  In a way, I'm actually looking forward to them heading back to school, just to get them back into a schedule and routine.

I've been fighting this bug for the last few days.  It came on Sunday night, and yesterday and today I spent all day tossing and turning in bed.  Around 3am last night, I woke up shivering and chattering.  I think the chattering teeth gave me a headache, but I was feeling terrible.  I threw myself into a scalding hot shower and stayed there until my body stopped shaking.  Patrick (who obviously was still awake) kept checking on me, to make sure I didn't drown.  Today, I just stayed in bed most of the day.  I managed to pull myself out of bed to make dinner, but I think that's the end of my ambition. 

School starts back up again tomorrow, which means that we get to start the 'Game Design' class.  I'm a little nervous, since I have no idea how this class will work out.  My illness just adds another layer to my stress.  Worst case, I can have Patrick go in and babysit my class, but I really don't want to miss the first day.  The kids have a 3 day week this week, and then we start our 4 day weeks (Fridays are off until late March).  They are so spoiled! 

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