Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2012

Outside Temp:  38 F (it feels colder in here, but it might be because I turned down the heater, since I couldn't justify heating the house when it's above freezing outside... I might want to re-think that.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... the boys attempted to make Alfredo sauce for pasta, but Allen looked up 'white sauce', not 'alfredo' and ended up with a milk and flour mixture that, "had no flavor"... you think?  No Parmesan or garlic or anything.  Just milk and flour.  He has since learned that 'white sauce' is a base... you add things to it. 

Ryan is doing great!  I cannot say enough how amazing antibiotics are! 

So, last night, he was admitted to the hospital with a 104.6 fever, chills and vomiting, which started about 30 minutes after we hooked up his TPN.  Classic line infection.  The hospital had us go right up to our room, where the nurse and doctor were waiting for us.  The took his vitals and got some blood for labs, and immediately ordered his antibiotics.  He got his first dose about an hour after we left the house, or about 20 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. 

They have him on 2 antibiotics, so as soon as the first was done, they hooked up the second.  His fever remained for about another hour after the second antibiotic, then it started coming down.  By 3am, his fever was down to 101 and by 9am (after his second dose of both antibiotics), it was totally gone.

I came in to see him after school, and he was doing great.  He was watching a movie, and other than being a little glassy eyed and tired, he was fine.  No fever, no chills, no aches.  LOVE IT!!  The biggest complaint he had was that the XBox in his room didn't work and he couldn't play his games.  They promised to fix it tomorrow morning.

He will probably stay in the hospital over the weekend, to make sure he's on the right antibiotics and that the bug is actually out of his line.  We also need to have our pharmacy make up antibiotics for him to finish a 2-3 week course, so if all goes well, we should be home by Monday.  Woo hoo!

I also had a great day with my Game Design class.  Yesterday, we ended up with 11 students, which may sound like a small amount, but we only had 9 computers, so that would be a problem.  We ended up splitting the class into two class periods, and simply moved a few student's study hall periods around, so now I have 2 classes of 5 students each (one student decided to TA instead of taking my class).  I talked to the kids about what games they liked and what they played, and I think a few of them might actually be interested in learning something.  One student said, "It's a skill... It's always good to learn new skills.".  I love that! 

Tomorrow is our last Friday for a while.  We have 4 day school weeks during the winter from January through March, which is totally awesome.  Grandpa is already planning our weekly ski trips on Fridays and I can't wait.  I might even get up on skis this year!

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