Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 43 F (it's warm again, although it was downright chilly on the mountain... they said with wind chill it was about -2)

What I cooked today:
French Toast: I realized last time that oatmeal just isn't a good breakfast before skiing.  So, french toast it was, and it was great!  No ucky tummies this time!

Chili:  And after a cold day on the mountain, chili is just perfect.  Everyone was full afterwards and it was really easy...

We went skiing again today.  Connor didn't really want to go, but we made him (yes, we're those parents).  We let him quit after a few runs and he got to hang out in the lodge with his hot chocolate and his book.  Katie really wanted to go, but got tired after an hour or two, so she joined her brother in the lodge with hot chocolate and a book.  They both skied really well and we had no problem letting both of them go up by themselves or with Allen.  I think I'd feel a little more comfortable if they had a walkie-talkie, but they aren't falling and are feeling pretty confident.  And I love that I don't feel bad about them only skiing for an hour or two. 

Ryan is getting better.  He still struggles with the snow plow, since I don't think he really has the strength in his legs to put the skis into that position.  He is great with holding them straight, and he really likes to go fast.  We took him off the harness today and I would send him down the hill and Patrick would catch him before he hit the fence.  He will turn if he looks either left or right, but he gets distracted and would rather go straight down, fast.  We're not ready for him to go up the mountain, yet, but he's getting there.  He can get on and off the 'magic carpet' without falling and without help.  We're thinking about having an instructor work with him for a hour or so, maybe get him to work on the snow plow or turning.  But I'm not sure how much he'll pay attention.

I kept meaning to get some good pictures, but I kept forgetting.  I think I'll try to get a movie of Ryan going really fast next week.  And since Katie and Connor bailed out so early, I didn't get any pictures of them.  As for Allen, he was gone most of the day, and I didn't see much of him.  I guess he really likes to ski!  :)

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