Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012

Outside Temp: -6 (I actually went outside today!  High of +1, Low of -15... I think the coldest part of this storm is over... for now)

What I cooked today:
Soup: So, I was going to make split pea soup, since I got a ham hock from the butcher shop in town a few weeks ago.  I defrosted the last of my chicken stock (from October) and threw it in a pot, with the ham bone.  Then I added the requisite onions, carrots and celery.  Then Patrick asked me to add lentils and garbanzo beans, since he doesn't like the mushy-ness of split pea.  But I wanted some creamy-ness, so I added about 1/2 cup of split peas to his 2 cups of garbanzo and lentils.  I had some fresh thyme, so I added that, along with some salt and pepper.  About 6 hours later, I served up the soup.  Patrick didn't like the bits of ham that fell off the bone, but other than that, it was great.  Warm and hearty.

Dinner Rolls: I used Patrick's mom's recipe for sweet bread and made up about 60 dinner rolls.  The recipe makes quite a lot of bread, but I figured I could save the leftover rolls to munch on for the next few days.  There are probably less than 20 left.  Connor probably had an even dozen.  He really, really likes these rolls!

We were going to go into town today, but Patrick was working this morning, and by the time he finished, it was already noon.  The kids had an early out (they got out of school at 1pm), so I didn't want them to come home to an empty house.  So, we put off the trip to town until tomorrow.

So, today, I spent most of the day fooling around on the computer.  I played a little bit of a computer game (it's the boys, but it's fun just the same), and played with Ryan and read a little.  A totally lazy day.  My big accomplishment was making the dinner rolls. I feel a little guilty, since there is plenty to be doing around the house.  I could have done more laundry, or vacuumed the family room, or swept the kitchen.  But I didn't.  I just played and relaxed.  Okay, that's the end of my guilt! 

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