Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7, 2012

Outside Temp: 27 F (not too chilly, but worth having a jacket and maybe the knit gloves. )

What I cooked today:
Steak: We had 6 steaks still in the fridge, so we had 3 tonight and we'll probably have the other 3 early next week.  The steak is still awesome and Patrick could cut it with his fork.  I'm getting better at cooking the steaks in my sporadic oven and of the 3, the first came out perfect, and the second 2 I had to toss back in for a few extra minutes.  All 3 ended up perfectly medium rare, although Connor wanted more blood. 

Today we had church at 1pm and then I went into town for my weekly shopping.  There were a few deals that made the trip feel awesome.  Old Spice deodorant was on sale at Smiths for $0.99, and I had a coupon for $1.00 off 2.  So, I picked up 4 for $1.98, which is good since I have so many boys in my house.

I'm still feeling a little nervous about the whole house situation.  Patrick and I are trying to lean towards the 'God is teaching us humility' stance.  We'll talk with someone early next week about a house in town.  It's old and hasn't been lived in for years, but it might be an adventure.  And even though the owner of this place may not be asking us to leave, since the situation is up in the air and he could kick us out at any time, we would feel more comfortable with some place different... A little more permanent. 

Tomorrow, we should be heading back up the mountain for a few more hours of skiing.  I love that it's so easy to head up there.  Patrick's kind of whining about his foot hurting (he busted his toe a few weeks ago, and it's still bugging him, especially in ski boots), so we may both be staying down with Ryan, while Allen, Connor, Katie and Grandpa head up the mountain.  That might mean I can get some good pictures of Ryan. 

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