Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012

Outside Temp: -1 (it was as low as -3 at some point last night... Since there is no wind, it doesn't feel that cold.  Okay, so it's cold, but it's not THAT cold... )

What I cooked today:
Cornbread: I found a recipe at Fabulously Frugal for cornbread that didn't fall apart when you tried to butter it!  It even had this awesome crispy crust that was made because you melted the butter in the 9x13 pan and poured the batter on top.  Maybe a little sweeter than Patrick likes, but I thought it was great!

Potato Soup: I have been wanting to try my hand at a chowder for a while, but Patrick doesn't usually like things with heated milk, so I've been holding off until I could find a good recipe.  And I think I've found it.  It doesn't have any Cream of Anything soup, which he absolutely hates.  It was just onions, celery, chicken broth (courtesy of my broth from October), potatoes, milk and a little flour.  It called for Rosemary, which I don't have, and Thyme, which I did.  Patrick had 3 servings and I had 2.  It was warm and cozy.  I added some bacon, since I didn't have any ham.  I would be great with clams, too!

So, waking the kids up this morning, and glancing at the thermometer, I found that it was 1 degree outside.  Like one more than zero, one.  Of course, Allen comes out dressed for school in a t-shirt and jeans.  His version of warm clothes was a sweatshirt over his t-shirt.  And he complained about being forced to wear his jacket.  But to his credit, he didn't complain about the cold when he got home. 

We were on our way home from school, while listening to country radio (is there any other kind?).  A song came on with the last line of the chorus of: "Someone give me an Amen".  And Connor asks me, "Mom, why would anyone want a hairnet?  (he thought they said 'someone give me a hairnet!')  I couldn't stop laughing!

Tonight we had our weekly Adult Faith meeting.  We're watching a great series on Catholicism.  It's great because we stop every 10-15 minutes to discuss what we have just watched.  Tonight we had 14 people, which was great!  I love hearing everyone's views on things!

And, we heard about another place that we might be able to rent.  Someone had bought the house in Geyser that we were looking at, so the place she was renting will be available.  I'll be calling over there in the morning, to see what the status of the place is.  We weren't sure if it was a 3 bedroom or a 4 bedroom.  3 would be kind of tight, but we'll have to see. 

The house has been a little colder than usual, with the colder weather, but I can't complain.  We did turn on the heat last night, since the pellet stove just can't keep up.  But that's what it's for, so I don't mind.  We also put the plastic window insulation on the window in my bedroom.  Of course, the window is on my side, so I've been dealing with the draft (have I mentioned my totally awesome electric mattress pad?).   This evening there was a ton of condensation on the plastic.  I guess it's doing it's job.

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