Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 33 F (It's getting colder.  It was in the 50's this morning, and was getting colder most of the day... Perhaps Montana finally realized that it's January.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing: Totally bad parent.  We had to rush into town to get Ryan's meds, so we had dinner in town.  I brought the boys back burgers, which they thought was just awesome!

Thank you to everyone who commented on yesterday's post.  I'm sure everything with the house will work out fine, but I wasn't really prepared (although I should have been).  We still need to talk to some people in town about other places to live, and the owner of this place didn't say when or if he's going to kick us out.  He might realize what a good deal he has going, and just let us stay.  But we are going to prepare, just in case.  He did say at least 3 months, so that gives us time to find something else.  Of course, there aren't that many houses around here, so we are limited in our choices.  I just want to find something close enough so the kids don't have to change schools.  (Oh my gosh, did I just say that!  From a former homeschooling mom, I'm basing decisions on my kids public school!)

We got a call today from the pharmacy, which was supposed to be mailing out Ryan's meds, saying they had them and were waiting for us to pick them up.  Since they were supposed to be here yesterday (and they were supposed to be here last week, but they had to order them), we really needed them for tonight.  So, we made the trek into town on a day when we had no groceries to purchase, and no reason other than the meds to make the 40 mile drive (80 if you count there and back).  Katie and Ryan came with us, and we allowed the boys to stay home.  We stopped at a restaurant in town and had 1/2 of a family dinner.  And then headed back.  It would have been a wasted trip, but it gave Patrick and I a chance to talk about our plans for the housing situation.  I'm staying positive.  Not sure how, but I'm trying.

We looked over the place in town we wanted to talk to the owners about renting.  Apparently, the family has been using the house as storage for furniture and other stuff.  The place looks bad from the outside, but the roof looks intact and the windows aren't broken.  A coat of paint on the outside, and some pruning of the bushes and plants would make a ton of difference.  It's probably smaller than where we are now, but that's not really a problem.  There should be a 1/2 basement, which we could use for the boys bedrooms, maybe.  And I'm not sure how the electrical and plumbing are on the inside.  We're going to try to talk to the owner this weekend, so we'll see how it goes.  Patrick is looking at it like an episode of 'This Old House', just drooling over the idea of fixing up this house that is probably 80 years old.  I just want a roof over our heads, and perhaps working indoor plumbing.  Electricity would be great, which would give me a working stove and a washer and dryer.  Oh, and maybe we might need some form of heat.  But I'm not going to be greedy...  :)

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