Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (we got a little rain today, which is awesome because it makes the dirt roads not as dusty!)

What I cooked today:
Split Pea Soup: It's a Friday during Lent, so no meat.  Which is just fine since we all really like this soup!  There was a little debate as to whether it was a soup or a porridge, but I guess it doesn't matter what you call it.  It was really filling and we didn't even notice there was no bacon or ham!

French Bread: I wanted to make a bread to go with the soup, but I was a little nervous using Grandma's Artisan bread recipe.  It would have been better, since I forgot that the recipe I have for french bread makes 2 loaves of bread, not one.  So, we had a very, very dense french bread.  Oh well!  They all liked it, and Connor thought it was like those Hawaiian rolls, that he smashes up into just a big ball of dough!

Katie got spend the day with a friend of hers, which meant that I got to spend time talking to another adult female who has kids in an age range similar to my own.  Ahhh, how I've missed it! 

The family has horses and cows and a dog and cats and even 2 little calves that needed feeding.  We got to feed the calves, which was totally awesome.  They are aggressive little guys, but so stinking cute.  Katie couldn't keep the bottle in the calf's mouth, and he was getting a little annoyed with her.  But, of course, she's still pretty little and I figured the calf could probably knock her over if he tried.  Mine was a little less aggressive, or perhaps I just could handle him better.  Of course, they are pretty sloppy, so we ended up with milk all over my jacket and pants.  But it was totally worth it!  I can imagine having a few calves of our own!

On the drive back home, there were a few new 'friends' on the road.  And rather than just drive by and upset them, I stopped to take a picture. 

There were a few Canadian Geese on the road earlier, but I think these are 'African Geese' (even though they are not from Africa), which are a domestic goose, descended from the Swan Goose. They seemed just fine with my presence, and the presence of my car.  In fact, I had to drive around them, since the seemed to have no intention of moving out of my way.  Beautiful birds!


  1. What happened Pictures of feeding the calves

  2. I was feeding the calves, that's why no pictures! Silly. (actually, I just forgot my camera, I was so excited.) :)
