Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 30 F (Strange weather... I think it might have even rained at one point today, but I couldn't tell if it was rain or snow.  And it blew sideways.  hmmm)

What I cooked today:
Chili and Cornbread: I feel like I'm making the easy choice each night.  If I only planned a little more ahead, I might do something a little more exciting.  Oh well, my kids all have full bellies... I guess that's all that matters.

Totally busy day today.  It didn't start out that way, but by the end of the day, I'm totally exhausted.

I got the kids on the bus just fine, and then crawled back into bed to get a few more minutes of sleep.  But then I felt guilty because there was laundry to do, and dishes, and then Ryan got up and needed his shower and then more laundry and then what to do for lunch. 

I got a call from the school around noon, saying that Allen was sick with a migraine.  Oh lovely.  So, I jumped in the car and got him.  I'm sure it was just stress or something, with Standardized Testing, and probably not enough sleep.  I don't think he's ever had a migraine, so it hit him really hard.  All he kept saying was that it was too bright and too loud.  And he wanted to throw up.  Ahhh, been there, done that.

We got him home and into bed, with some Tylenol and a Coke (I'm big on the caffeine thing when you have a migraine), and then jumped back in the car to get Ryan to school.  Then, I headed into Stanford to get fingerprinted (the school wants me to substitute).  The Sheriff's office was so nice!  They got me all fingerprinted (which is totally messy, by the way), and we chatted.  When they heard my name, they asked if I was in that big beautiful new place up the hill in Raynesford.  I had to say, no, it's my parents.  Both the Sheriff and the deputy said it was a great place.  I got to brag about how Grandpa built most of it himself (with help, of course).  They were quite impressed.

So, it's Wednesday, which means I couldn't get my TB test, because the clinic wasn't open on Saturday to read it.  So, I'll have to go back on Monday to get the shot and back on Thursday to get it read (unless I can find a RN between now and then that can read it).  But I got all registered, so when I go on Monday, I don't have to fill out any paperwork... Score!  Then, I raced back to school to get the kids.

Once we got home, I immediately started in on dinner.  We ate early (about 5:30ish), since we had to leave for church by 6:00.  Church was from 6:30-7, and then we had our Confirmation class until 8:30. 

We got back to the Grandparent's place to pick up Ryan by 9:00, but they needed some help moving a couch.  So, we finally got home by about 9:30.  And I still had to fold laundry and do the dishes.  (There was the part of me that wanted to keep the kids up and make them do it, but since it was so late, I decided they needed their sleep.  Spoiled kids!)

Now, I just want a scoop of ice cream and my nice warm bed...  

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