Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012

Outside Temp: 40 F (it was actually in the 60's today.   Totally beautiful and I opened up the windows to 'air out' the house... At least the 2 windows that do not have plastic on them... I'm looking forward to taking the plastic off, but I'm going to wait a few more weeks, I think)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta (again): I normally don't make the same thing twice in a row, but I didn't really plan anything, other than using the ground beef that Patrick got in town today.  Everyone ate, but it didn't have the normal 'Wow, mom, you're the greatest cook in the world' feeling to it.  I guess I'm going to have to make something different for the next few days!

Ryan is still doing okay.  He was a little punky in spurts today, but not bad.  I think he might have had a stomach bug, or something like that.  It's fortunate that he has his TPN, since he didn't get dehydrated or anything, and since he doesn't need to eat, he didn't have to.  He's in his room playing, so I'm hoping that it's all just a fluke.

I headed into Stanford today to get my TB test read.  Oh my goodness, it's negative!  Woo Hoo! (oh yea, big shocker there!).  I guess that means that the school can hire me to substitute teach, assuming that my background check comes back okay. 

Patrick went into Great Falls today, to get a new set of glasses (it's about darn time!).  His last eye appointment was about 5 years ago, and his glasses have been crooked and bent for the last few years.  Of course, he had to get new frames and new lenses.  Oh, and he might as well get new sunglasses as well.  Spoiled husband.  We joked with the kids that daddy was wearing their new computer on his face.  They were not happy with him, but I tried to explain that it was long overdue.  And, they will probably get a new computer as soon as we get the whole house thing resolved.

While in town, Patrick picked me up more ground beef from our meat wholesale place.  Normally, the meat from them is totally awesome.  This time, I think the meat is more than 20% fat.  It was practically white.  I made burgers out of it, and boy was it fatty.  I'm debating calling them up and asking what the heck happened, but I don't want to cause problems.  We've gotten meat from them twice before and it was awesome.  Perhaps it something different with the cows at this time of year.  I'm not sure, but I'm going to be more careful next time.  I only wish that we hadn't gotten 20 pounds, instead of our normal 15.  Patrick asked that I make more soups or tacos or dishes with browned beef, instead of burgers with it.  Ouch.

1 comment:

  1. Take it back they will replace it. There name is on it a company wants all their customers satisfied. Maybe they gave you the wrong stuff by mistake
