Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23, 2012

Outside Temp: 28 F (snow today... big fat flurries... awesome)

What I cooked today:
Pancakes: Since we'd almost run out of milk, we decided on pancakes, so the kids wouldn't need milk for their cereal.  Of course, my recipe calls for buttermilk, but I just used regular milk.  It worked.

Lentil Soup: Being a Friday, during Lent, we went with soup for dinner... and what is more appropriate than lentil soup?  I meant to put in black eyed peas, and accidentally put in barley.  Oh well, it was kind of like rice so it worked.

I headed into town today, during the blizzard.  We were out of milk and a few other things, so it was either go in today, or explain to my boys why they didn't have any milk for dinner. 

There was also an awesome deal on laundry detergent at Kmart.  Of course, they were out, but Wal-Mart did that 'matching' thing, so it was all good. 

As I headed home out of Great Falls, the blizzard was in full force.  Snow was coming down hard, and the roads were white.  I passed a car in the ditch, which I've decided is a common occurrence during snow storms up here.  I passed the sheriff about a mile later, so I assume the guy in the ditch was getting taken care of.

The funny thing about driving in the snow, is that you just have to take your time and be patient.  I was behind a guy who was going about 35-40 MPH, and normally that would have driven me crazy.  But, today, I was just fine with it.  It was cold enough, that I wasn't worried about my frozen goods defrosting on me.  And there was no reason for me to rush.  So, I just hung out behind him (okay, about 100 yards behind him... I didn't want to take any chances), and plodded along. 

By the time I hit Belt (about 20 miles outside of Great Falls, about 1/2 way home), the storm seemed to lighten up and we were able to go a little faster (about 50 MPH, instead of 35).  It was here that a semi-truck felt we were going too slow, and decided to pass us.  Fortunately (for all involved), he passed safely and took off (way too fast, I might add).  I'm not sure if it's a Montana thing, or perhaps my life is just a little slower now, but I don't feel the need to drive 80 MPH everywhere. There's no rush.  Things will happen in time. 

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