Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3, 2012

Outside Temp: 42 F (ugh, all our beautiful snow is melting!  Now, it's just slush!)

What I cooked today:
Walnut Chicken:  Woo Hoo!  I cooked!  For the first time in a few days!  I know, silly, but it was good to eat food that only cost about $5 for the whole family, and tasted good! 

So, last night as we went to hook up Ryan's antibiotics, the syringe pump wasn't working.  (The antibiotics get pushed in over about 30 minutes, and the pump pushes it in for us).  That meant that we (meaning Patrick) had to sit there for 30 minutes, and push in about 1 cc (a really small amount) every minute for a half hour.  It kind of sucked.

We called our home care, and even through it's Saturday, they were able to get us a replacement pump.  We offered to go into Great Falls to get it, since we probably needed to go shopping anyway.

So, after church, Patrick and I jumped back into the car and drove into town.  We stopped at the hardware store and the drug store and the grocery store (and even made a quick stop at Baskin Robbins).  We even made it home in time to make dinner... granted dinner was around 9:30pm, but since it's Saturday, no one really cared.

On the drive back up to pick up the kids from the grandparents, a pretty, white bunny jumped out in front of the car.  And, even though we've talked for years about not stopping for animals, Patrick still put on the brakes.  Fortunately, for both us and the rabbit, we missed him.  Lucky bunny.. 

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