Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 2012

Outside Temp: 42 F (another warm day, with lots of wind!)

What I cooked today:
Bran Muffins: We have this great recipe for 'Ice Box Bran Muffins' that makes about 2 tons of muffin mix (okay, not really) and you can leave it in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, so you have fresh baked muffins in about 20 minutes.  We used up about 1/2 of the recipe this morning, which means I should be able to make muffins at least once more before we run out of batter.  And I'm sure there are those of you who are groaning, ugh, bran muffins, but these are really, really good... especially warm out of the oven with lots of butter... everything is good with butter.

Tacos: Since it was a do-nothing day, I had no plans for dinner.  I guess I figured that we would eat when we needed to.  Argh, that's NOT how things are done.  As such, we ended up with tacos, which was fine since I can defrost the ground beef in the microwave.  I've found that defrosting sometimes cooks the meat, so it's hard to make burgers out of microwave defrosted meat.  But tacos, I can do that.

I reset all the clocks last night, so I had no problem waking up this morning.  It didn't hurt that I had nothing to do, and was able to sleep in until about 9am.  Totally spoiled.

The kids spent most of the day just hanging out.  Allen had some homework to do, which meant that I had to spend about 2 hours nagging him to get it finished.  It brought back vivid memories of homeschooling when we had to actually turn stuff in.  I think I like not homeschooling.  Does that make me bad?  I mean, I miss it, but I don't miss the nagging.  I love that the kids usually get all their homework done during class time and I don't have to do the nagging thing.  Connor is upset that I said that I like not homeschooling.  Now I have to deal with that one.  (Connor is smirking at me right now).

This evening, the kids were listening to / watching videos on YouTube.  They came across (whether they found it or specifically looked for) Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down.  Connor, Katie AND Allen were all singing along, in their own distinct voices.  It was hysterical.  I'm not sure how many of the words they actually knew, so most lines were: "bum, um, a, um, Superman.  Ah, uh, um, Kryptonite."  and so on.  (to be honest, after about 4 times, they had most of the words down pretty well).  Then Patrick had to yell and tell them to stop.  Too funny!  (Connor is still smirking).

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