Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15, 2012

Outside Temp: 39 F (again, very pretty today.  Not too windy, and clear and sunny!)

What I cooked today:
Chicken Soup (with stars!): We had a debate between stars and short noodles... the stars won.  I have to say that since it is so easy to make chicken soup when you have all the ingredients on hand, I wonder why I ever used canned soup.  Oh yea, because Katie likes Cambells better than homemade... She's a kid, so I guess I can forgive her ignorance.

Chicken Stock: I picked up a fryer chicken in town this week (which I should have waited, since they are on sale for $0.79/lb!), so I cut it up and made more stock.  I'm out of chicken in my freezer, so I really just needed the breasts.  But, since I've been using up my stock, I figured it was worth it to make up some more.  I only canned 4 quarts, since I used up about 2-3 quarts in the soup tonight... it just didn't seem right to used stock that was already canned, when I had fresh stock sitting in the stock pot!

Pretty relaxing day... I made my stock.  I walked down to the post office and chatted for a while. The kids were home from school early (school was out at 1pm, instead of 3:30pm), so we chatted about their day.

We had our Adult Faith class tonight.  We are studying the Gospel of John, and Patrick found a copy of St. Thomas Aquinas' essays about John.  So, from about 1pm until we left for the class (about 6pm), Patrick and I read through the gospel and the essays.  Oh my goodness, St. Thomas is amazing.  If you ever have the chance to read his works, it's totally worth it!  Of course, we were only covering the 5th chapter of John, which is about 2 pages long.  We read about 50 pages of essays, and it only covered the first page of the gospel.  Amazing.  I'm really looking forward to next week's class, where we cover Chapter 12. 

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