Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 21, 2012

Outside Temp: 34 F (Rainy and stormy today... a little sleet.)

What I cooked today:
Pumpkin Pies x 4: I'm making dessert for tomorrow, and Friday, so I just made 4 of them tonight.  It's been a while since I've made pumpkin pie, and pie crust, so I was a little worried.  But it turned out fine (after I asked Patrick to stop making suggestions).  I spilled a little pie mix in the oven, which caused a lot of smoke, but they smelled good by the end.  Now, I just have to hope they taste good!

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth.  I was tired and fell asleep early last night, which means that I didn't get my blog written.  I debated post-dating a blog entry, which is totally possible, but that would feel like lying, and those who know me know how I feel about lying.  So, if you noticed that I didn't get an entry written last night, I apologize. 

Yesterday was a busy.  I worked at the post office, by myself, in the morning.  I started the shift by forgetting to scan something, which caused a little stress.  But the customer (one of our neighbors, of course) was kind enough to bring it in this morning, so we got it scanned and all was right with the world.  This was my first time working by myself, so there was a reasonable amount of nerves for the first few minutes.  I talked to my postmaster a few times during the day, but I think it worked out fine. 

After working, I ran over to the school for our class, and then headed home, with 3 of the 4 kids.  Allen was so excited to have NO practice! 

I managed to get a migraine, so I headed off to bed and left Patrick in charge for the night.  He had to feed the kids, do all of Ryan's meds, and get them off to bed (at some point).  Apparently, he did fine because when I woke up this morning, the kids were all in bed, dishes and pots and pans were on the stove (waiting patiently for me to clean them) and Ryan was fine.  Who knew that my husband could actually be responsible?

Today, Allen and Connor went into town with me.  They needed their allergy shots and I needed groceries.  I'm not having Thanksgiving at my house, but I do have to feed my family on other days, and somehow, I was out of milk, again.  We also stopped and got new headphones for the boys.  Connor has re-found his MP3 player, so he was excited to use his ear buds and listen to his music.  Ahh, it's the little things (like the Hershey's candy bars on sale for $0.68...)

Patrick and Grandpa were awesome and took my garbage to the dump.  We've been trying to get to the dump for a few weeks now, but something (like snow or wind) always seemed to come up.  Today was no exception, with the rain and sleet, but they braved the weather and got rid of my garbage!  Woo hoo!

The boys spent the rest of the afternoon playing games, and I read my book (I'm reading 'The Count of Monte Cristo', which is much better than I expected!)  I mixed up and baked my pumpkin pies, but I didn't feel like making dinner, so I subjected the kids to their own devices.  Which means that when I offered to make hot dogs, they all said, "me too!".  So, I ended up making dinner anyway.  I don't feel bad about feeding them junk for dinner tonight, since we are all going to pig out tomorrow... it's kind of like fasting. 

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