Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 26 F (strange day... not exactly what I expected)

What I cooked today:
Chili and Cornbread: I was going to make lasagna.  All day, I kept saying, "I'm going to make lasagna".  Then, around 6:30, I realized that I didn't have enough time.  So, we ended up with chili.  Maybe I can get my act together tomorrow.

They've been talking about this 'blizzard' for the last few days.  Prepare for the blizzard.  We're getting a blizzard.  Last night, we went to bed, expecting 6 feet of snow when we woke up.

So, imagine our surprise when we woke up this morning to totally dry outside.  No snow anywhere.  I re-checked the weather, and the storm that was supposed to be here by midnight, was moved to 5am, then 8am, then 11am. 

I decided to head into town to get my milk and beef and bread and Ryan's meds, since I could.  The storm hadn't started yet, and if I ran fast, I could get everything I needed and get home safely.

I jumped into the car at about 7:45am, made it to town by 8:30, got my grocery shopping done, picked up new snow pants for Ryan, hit the bakery for the bread and still made it to Ryan's pharmacy by 9:30.  I was back home by about 10 minutes after 10, which was right when the storm started.

I headed over to the school to get Ryan at 11, and the roads were still pretty clear.  Around 1:30, I decided to head over to the school early (just in case).  The roads were getting a little ugly.  It was cold, so there was ice.  And the snow was starting to come down, so there was little visibility and snow and ice. I kept the MPH below 50, sometimes below 40, for the entire 12 miles.  It took me about 30 minutes.  But, I got there, with no problems.

After school, the storm was still going, but not that strong.  I think it knew that I had to drive home, so it loosened up a little for me.  I got home with all 3 kids (Allen's practice was cancelled, and Ryan was already at the house with Patrick) in less than 30 minutes, with no problems. 

Then the storm started.  It's been kind of 'on and off' for the rest of the afternoon and evening.  There is probably about a foot of snow in some places, depending on the wind.  It's really dry, so the snow is blowing all over the place.  As of right now, I cannot get my yellow car out of the driveway, but I could probably get the van out (the wind has blown snow all the way up to the windows of the yellow car). 

The storm was originally supposed to last between midnight on Thursday morning until Saturday morning.  However, it seems to be going slower than expected.  I don't know if that's good or bad.  It might be good, in that the storm is not as severe as we expected.  Or it could mean that it will be bad for longer, perhaps through Sunday?  I have no idea. 

I also have no idea how things will look in 8 hours, when it's time to go to school.  But, we all have plans, just in case.  I'm kind of hoping that I get a call at 6:45 (saying that school is cancelled), and then I can snuggle back into my bed...  Is that wrong?

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