Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

Outside Temp: 38 F (it was as high as 41, and the low was in the high 20's.  The snow is turning to slush, which is a bear to drive though.  Fortunately, it didn't freeze back into ice for the drive home!)

What I cooked today:
Chicken Soup with Orzo: Patrick asked for soup, and since he helped me clean up after the game, I figured I owed him.  It's so yummy with the Greek seasoning, and a dash of lemon juice.  The pot was licked clean!

We had to finally dig our cars (or at least one of them) out of the snow this morning.  The kids got on the bus as usual, but I had to drive to pick up Ryan, which meant that I needed my car. 

I decided to go with the van, since it had the least amount of snow on it, and it (still) has the snow tires.  I went outside, and there was just a little snow on the ground.  Okay, there was still a lot of snow, but it seemed a lot less than it was, so I figured I was safe.  I brushed the snow off the windshield and the windows, and climbed up into the van.

I started the car and threw it into reverse.  I thought the tires were straight, so I just backed up slowly.  However, with the amount of snow on the back window, I couldn't tell that I was veering to the right, right off the driveway and into the snow bank.  After a few feet, I was stuck in the snow.  Doh...

So, I woke up my 'knight in shining armor' to rescue me.  We went back and forth for a while, trying to get the van out of the slushy, snowy, wet mess it was now stuck in.  Finally, we got the car mats out of the Aveo, and put them under the front tires.  After making sure the car was in first gear, not drive, we slowly pulled forward.  Voila, we were out of the snow!

Patrick then drove back and forth over the driveway, compressing the remaining snow, and making sure that I could get back into the driveway without a problem.  Of course, I was smart enough to do all of this at 9 am, a full 2 hours before I needed to be at the school.  So, when I went to leave to pick up Ryan, I was assured that my van would work, and I wouldn't have any problems with the snow!

This evening, Allen had his 2nd to last basketball game, at Geyser!  I love basketball games at home, since it means that we only have to drive 14 minutes after the game to get home.  And, in this case, I got to work the concession stand.  I actually love working concessions, since I get to chat with everyone.  I only wish that I didn't have to miss the game.  However, due to the marvels of modern technology, I got Katie to video it on the Microsoft Surface, so I could enjoy it when I got home. 

They won their game, which was great.  That means that they have only lost 1 game this season!  Their last game is tomorrow night, and they are expecting to win (they have already won a game against this team).  That means that they will be in first place going into the tournaments on Friday!  Woo hoo!

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