Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 F (nice and very windy today!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: With all that was going on, I didn't have time to make much.  So, we ended up with the old standby.  Of course, Allen claimed that it was exactly what he wanted, so I guess that's a good thing.

This morning, as with most morning, I watch out Katie's window for the school bus to come down the highway.  Usually, as it comes around the corner, we have just enough time to say, "the bus is here!", and then get all the kids backpacks on, jackets on, gloves on, out the door and out to the street, timed perfectly for the bus as it pulls up. 

Okay, sometimes it's not timed perfectly.  But most days it works out well.  So you can imagine my surprise, when a white suburban pulls up in front of the house, at the exact time the bus should be there!  I walked out on to the front porch and asked if this was the bus... which it obviously was, but for some reason, logic and mornings don't mix with me.  Apparently, the bus wasn't working this morning, so we got the suburban instead.  Fortunately, there are only 8 kids on our bus route (including my 4), so they all fit just fine!  Connor said it was great because he got to sit in the front and see out the window. 

After school, Allen had a game with Lewistown in Stanford.  I know, basketball season is over, and yet, here is another game.  Lewistown is a larger school with more kids and they play in a different division.  But, I guess since our team is so good, they asked to have 2 games with us. 

So, I drove Allen over to Stanford for the game.  The guys from Lewistown came out, and they just kept coming!  There had to be 15-20 kids on that team (as opposed to our 9).  And they were tall.  And old.  And did I mention there were lots of them?

The game started out tough, but our boys played great!  I had to leave after the first quarter for a Booster Club meeting, but Allen said they only lost by 2 points.  At the end, they were actually up by 2, but the other team got two quick baskets at the end.  He said our boys played great!

And now, basketball is over.  Okay, so, the rest of the team is going to Lewistown tomorrow night to play the same team again, but Allen is going to skip it.  We're just not that dedicated!

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