Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Outside Temp: 23 F (nice today, after the ice melted off the roads)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Onion Rings: I was too lazy to actually plan anything, so somehow 6:00pm showed up and I had nothing ready.  Oh well, old standby works fine.  However, I didn't like the onion rings (they were frozen), so I think I'll just go with veggies next time!

I got a call from the school this morning, around 9am.  It was from Allen, who let me know that there was a problem with the tablet that he takes to school (supposedly to work on his homework, but we all know that he uses it as a MP3 players to listen to his music during the day).  The way the story goes, he was listening to his music (shocker!) and he had set the tablet on the bleachers.  Then he turned to the side, and somehow (have no idea how it happened) the tablet fell off the bleachers on to the ground... like 4 feet on to the ground. 

I can only imagine the sickening crack that occurred and the moment of fear as he hopped off the bleachers to examine his new found broken tablet.  The screen was shattered.  Not broken, shattered.  It was not pretty.

But, being the (somewhat) responsible child that we attempted to raise correctly, he immediately called me and let me know what he had done.  Fortunately, his mother is brilliant and purchased the extended care warranty, and questioned the guy at Office Max specifically for the time in which one of my children dropped the tablet and it broke. 

So, I was able to call the Care center, and I now have a UPS shipping label, and a claim for them to attempt to fix it.  It is not fixed yet, so I will keep my hopes up that they can repair the screen, and it will be back with us soon.  Until then, my favorite part of the day was at the end, as the Junior High students passed by my door (to my web design class), and whispered, "she's here... oh, you are so dead.".  I guess the students expected me to freak out or scream or yell or something undignified.  Oh yea, like I would do that, in public! 

To be honest, I actually expected it to break earlier.  

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