Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012

Outside Temp: 47 F (snow is gone, but I've heard tell that it's coming back...)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... migraine...

I got to sub for the math teacher today.  I was amazed that I was able to remember how to do most of the assignments, even the Pre-Calculus class, which goes to show that my high school math teacher, Mr. Gregory was amazing!  We were doing sin, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant and cotangent, and I had to remember the whole 'pi' = 180 degrees, 2'pi' = 360 degrees, and then the unit circle and the ways to find the values of the sin, etc.  After a quick glance at the book, I remembered it and actually attempted to help the students get it.  There was at least once that a student looked at me and said, 'huh?', but it wasn't bad. 

I was really happy with the websites that our teacher users.  She has the students log on, and do a series of questions, related directly to the assignment.  She has 3 different web sites, so they get a wide range of styles and questions.  The students were great and with one class, the boys wanted to keep doing more problems, just to 'one up' the other.  "I got 5 right", "well, I got 6 right!",  "No way, let me do another one.  Ha, I got 6 right.", "well, now I have 7 right." They were only required to do 5 problems, and I had to force them to move on after doing 10.  I hated stopping them! 

Once I got home, I realized that I was fighting a migraine, so I crawled into bed and slept.. for about 3 hours.  Of course, I was too silly to take anything for it, so when I woke up around 7pm, I STILL had a migraine.  Ugh.  I talked Allen into making dinner for everyone.  He made pasta, which isn't exactly a complete balanced meal, but it's enough and I didn't hear any complaints.  And somehow, everyone got their homework done without me nagging.  Woo hoo!

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