Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

Outside Temp: 28 F (we had a high of 54 today, which means the snow is almost totally gone... but I've heard tell that it will be back...)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: Didn't plan, or organize anything.  Asked the kids the age old question: Beef or Chicken.  Chicken would have been chicken soup, but I'm almost out of chicken stock (gasp!), so it was burgers...

Busy day!

I got to substitute today for our music and Junior High teacher, so I got to spend 3 periods with Connor and 2 periods with Allen, and a period with Katie.  I love getting the chance to teach my own kids!   Granted, it was a test in Civics, then a worksheet in Math and another worksheet in music, but it was fun just the same!

During lunch, I stopped over at the Senior Center, where we were having a meal (of totally wonderful turkey and stuffing and potatoes, yum!).  There was a local company that was giving a donation to the center, so they invited the community to come out for the presentation!  And, Katie's class went over there, to distribute their monthly newsletter.  It gives them a chance to mingle with some of the community members, which I just love!

On the drive home, we were listening to the radio and Katy Perry's California Gurls (yes, spelled incorrectly, because the woman does not know how to spell), and Connor spent the entire song explaining that it was totally not true.  After all, we lived in California for years, and no, people did not walk around in stilettos and Daisy Dukes and Bikinis.  The grass there is not green, it's brown.  The palm trees are imported.  And most of LA is not anywhere near a beach.  The song is such false advertising.  And yes, this is how Connor actually talks.

Today was also the last practice for Allen's basketball team!  We have tournaments tomorrow night, and then again on Saturday, and then the season is done, finished, over!  Does it make me a bad mom that I am cheering right now, if only because I don't want to drive back and forth to pick him up from practice.  :)

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