Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 F (very windy today, but beautiful!  Apparently, a storm is on it's way in...)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Fries and Onion Rings: I ended up going with burgers.  I'm tired and I didn't want to cook.  Oh well.

Busy day!

I headed off to the school early to talk with our superintendent, and ended up staying the day to substitute for another teacher.  I really wished that I slept better last night, as I was exhausted by the end of the day. 

We have someone else coming by to look at our house tomorrow, which is sending me into a mild panic.  I can't imagine that someone might actually buy this place, or that they could get a loan on it, or that they might have the cash and would actually buy it, but it's still nerve racking.  Apparently, the people who looked at it the other day were interested, which doesn't mean they can buy it, but they would be interested.

Which puts us in an interesting position.  This house, flawed as it may be, has grown on me.  It fits the family (each of the kids has their own room) and I really, really don't want to move.  Given that, I have no idea where we might move to, if we had to leave.  There isn't exactly a bustling rental market in the area, and I'm not really interested in buying something. 

So, I'm going to attempt to relax, and see how things go.  We knew going into this, that the house was for sale, and that the owner wanted to sell it.  We were just glad the owner let us rent it.  And, we probably should have been making contingency plans all along.  But, we got complacent and comfortable.   Perhaps, if these people decide not to buy it, we will have time to make other plans now, before it's an emergency.

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